
Responses from last_lemming

Cartridge repair; re-tipping; canitlever replacement: The Needle Clinic A++
Heck, I nuded my Denon DL-103r being super careful. Got the thing to the point all I had to do was set it down to be done - then for no particular reason at all it just fell out of my hands somehow.  It fell all of two inches but that's all it too... 
Zu Omen Def Mk.2 - Updated Review
Quick update:So I choose to to upgrade the Omen Def Mk2's with the Radian tweeters. So what benefits does the tweeter that crosses over at 12k bring - in one word ALOT!  If if your thinking of plunking your hard earned cash on a set of Omens, no m... 
Dang my luck
I contacted the seller (on eBay) and he said to ask Denon if this is normal. He has a very high rating on EBay from many buyers so I thought the risk was low. I have started a return request. I told him I would be happy and just send me another on... 
Dang my luck
 I can align the cantilever and that is not  my main concern, however the stylus seems to be tilted about 2° to the side and That I am concerned about a little bit. I have done a listening test today just a few minutes ago based on realigning the ... 
Dang my luck
I did while it was still screwed down to the box it came in. I installed it on the headshell so I could get my loop closer to it so I could give a good visual inspection and have a way to hold the cart without touching it.  
Dang my luck
I have not tried it yet for fear of damaging my vinyl.  
Give me a straight Doc how bad is it?
Nice thread title...   Yeah, they don't really like you editing that bit. Go figure.  
Give me a straight Doc how bad is it?
The cantilever does not have a crimp in it.  I looked at the whole assembly through one of those high power coin loops, way more than the typical 10x and I saw no visible traces of the bend or me bending it back.But after I thought about it awhile... 
Sonist vs Zu...Anyone?
My take on the Omen Def mk2's 
More from VPI!
other than the plinth is looks kinda like a Prime (or Scout for that matter). It would be interesting to compare the two. The prime is half the price so it better be significantly better for the $10K they are asking! 
Materials to reduce sidewall flex & vibration ?
You know I've thought about this off and on in the past and wanted to come up with a cheap DIY that would test if it would be worth pursuing.  I came up with one idea.  If you can imagine a bag of sand (or better lead shot) say 12" long 3" wide an... 
Zu Omen Def Mk.2 - Updated Review
Whoopycat,I'm not an expert on tube amps since this is the first tube amp I've ever owned, but I can tell you how it sounds to me. It gives the Zu's a real "fleshy" sound, meaning their is an air of believability in the instruments and body to the... 
The $3,600 gamble
The best way for me to explain the sound of the Zu’s would be to make an analogy:Its like a photo vs a great work of art of what the photo is of, for example, if you were to see a photograph of a scene Monet painted you could argue that the photo ... 
Zu Omen Def Mk.2 - Updated Review
Jason, Great write up!  I'm glad you shared, there are not many reviews on the mk2's, and none I know of with the Radians.  Its funny you mention moving the Thiels,  my only complaint it how HEAVY the Zu's are!  My ole back struggles to move them ... 
Thiel Owners
Michaeljbrown,sorry for getting to you so late. With regards to my BAT pre - I like love it. Tubes + SS on Thiel speakers is the perfect synergy. At least from my perspective.