
Responses from lewm

Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Downunder, Cannot recall where I set VTF with M20FL, but 1.5 sounds right. I took the VTF from another post on this thread. Maybe the original poster will 'fess up. 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dave, Perhaps I was wrong in categorizing the SME3012 as having very high effective mass. I must have read it somewhere. Plus it LOOKS to be a heavy tonearm. Anyway, your listening experience is all that counts. 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Axel et al, Re VTA with the M20FL, what happened to me was that I replaced the Grado TLZ with the M20FL without altering the height of the tonearm pivot. As Axel says, this serendipitously resulted in quite a bit of positive VTA, just because the ... 
Ortofon MC A90 cartridge
Do you guys think that the 47-ohm load would also be optimal for the MC7500, given the familial relationship among the MC7500, Windfield, and MCA90 cartridges? I like the MC7500 at 100 ohms very much. If I would critique it I would say that it is ... 
DaVinci tonearm and azymuth
As I understand it, the goal in adjusting azimuth is to minimize crosstalk between channels. This means that the amount of crosstalk will not necessarily be equal for both channels (in fact it almost never will be equal) but merely that it will be... 
Cartridge and step up / riaa for TW Acustic Raven
Toffeng, Re my comment that debates regarding cartridges are endless and boring, to wit the above exchange between Robyatt and Downunder, two honest guys with diametrically opposite views. In the end, you will come to your own conclusions re cartr... 
Cartridge and step up / riaa for TW Acustic Raven
Dear Toffeng, The GCPH is a bargain at its price, but IMO you should look higher up the ladder for both your phono stage and your cartridge, to do justice to your state of the art turntable and tonearm. As regards the phono stage, you need to deci... 
Using XLR for Phono out
Dear John, Can you cite me a reference for your statement that "transformers have some of the highest CMRR ratings"? This might be true if a transformer is properly implemented at the front end of a balanced circuit. But when transformers are used... 
Ortofon MC A90 cartridge
Axel, A90 vs M20FL Super? Any comments? 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Do any of you SL1200 users know the effective mass of the supplied tonearm? That would be helpful. I am running my M20FL Super in my Dynavector DV505 tonearm. The headshell weighs about 11gm, as I think I wrote earlier. Since the "arm" is almost a... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Raul, It was the P100LE that I was curious about. When you found it you were excited and indicated here that it was top of the line, above the P8ES. I've got an NOS P8E stylus assembly, but the one that came on my used P8ES cartridge has a slightl... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Pivot end up or "positive VTA" seems to be the common preference. How far up is a matter of listening, I guess. And one M20FL user (Siniy123) likes his flat, i.e., tonearm parallel to LP. 
Ortofon MC A90 cartridge
Mike, I did not wish to play that game of value for money. I actually think that the M20FL Super is delightful in its own rite/right/wright (never knew which form was correct for this phrase). Just consider it as another cartridge, if you get a ch... 
Using XLR for Phono out
I don't know how the RCA inputs on the GCPH are configured. They COULD be set up for balanced mode, IF the ground connection on the RCA actually carries the negative phase of the audio signal. To test this, you could see whether there is electrica... 
Ortofon MC A90 cartridge
Axel, I do agree with you, but I did not wish to start an argument. So I kept the number well below the cost of top-flight LOMC cartridges so as not to irritate anyone. Mike Lavigne, you really should try an M20FL Super, especially on your Garrard...