Responses from lewm
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? Just for laughs I wrote that. I know we are a tiny minority, and most audiophiles do not even know what goes on here, not to mention that true audiohiles are also a tiny minority. So we are a tiny part of a fringe group. | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? Raul, your long post of 6-25-09 on comparing two top line MCs to a bunch of old MMs is pretty heretical. If adopted, your ideas (on a less grand and less important scale of course) would be reminiscent of the impact of the Reformation on the churc... | |
Dedicated phono-pre for MM only? Axel, perhaps one reason you don't have "hum" is that the noise that might result from Kirkus' theorem would not necessarily be in the spectrum that we recognize as hum (60Hz or 120Hz, in the US; 50Hz or 100Hz in Germany). The noise he is talking ... | |
Dedicated phono-pre for MM only? Axel, You wrote:"As to hum caused by 'unbalanced' MM cart output impedance. Well, I think that the more expensive carts we are speaking of (Raul mostly), those have always excellent channel balance, often better than more main-stream MCs with an e... | |
Dedicated phono-pre for MM only? Kirkus, Thanks for your patience in preparing a detailed response to my questions. Your take is very interesting and thoughtful. Meantime, I am wondering whether we should all be beating the bushes for vintage phono stages to use with these vintag... | |
Dedicated phono-pre for MM only? Kirkus, I would like to try to re-state your argument in short form, to see if I understand it: For the reasons cited, it is much more difficult to obtain a true balanced signal from an MM cartridge as compared to an MC one. Feeding a signal with ... | |
Dedicated phono-pre for MM only? In my view, one of the hard to resist features of the 3160 (Raul's product) is the completely separate MM and MC phono stages, not to mention the fact that both are balanced circuits (or at least I know that the MC one is balanced).Raul might resp... | |
Dedicated phono-pre for MM only? Raul, Just another one of life's compromises. Kirkus, Would you care to comment in more detail on your earlier statement that a balanced input is per se not ideal for an MM cartridge? At least I think that is what you meant to say.By the way, than... | |
Building high-end 'tables cheap at Home Despot II I have my doubts or questions as regards inserting a layer of alu or other metal midway in a wood plinth. The danger is that one may be creating an internal reflective surface that will bounce energy back up toward the turntable, instead of permit... | |
Dedicated phono-pre for MM only? Raul, Do you mean to say that every time you change from an MC that likes to see, for example, ~100R to one that needs significantly higher R, you actually take the 3160 to the workbench and solder in the required higher R? Or do you use some plug... | |
Dedicated phono-pre for MM only? Tom and Axel, I heretofore have had only one LOMC cartridge, which seeems optimally loaded by a 100R resistor, which I soldered in place myself. But I recently purchased a (third) LOMC that will probably do best with 1000R. I have contemplated ins... | |
Dedicated phono-pre for MM only? Axel and Tom, if you can change load resistors, I see no reason to lust for a separate MC phono section for each cartridge. The LOMCs are not identical to each other, but they are similar enough. Anyway, IF one needed a different circuit for every... | |
Dedicated phono-pre for MM only? Tom, I did not get that message (that the range of output voltages and inernal impedances of MC cartridges presents a problem per se) from Kirkus' long post. I will have to re-read it, but I think he is saying that the much higher output impedance... | |
Building high-end 'tables cheap at Home Despot II John, Apology not necessary. I just wondered whether anyone HAD applied a scientific approach to this otherwise completely subjective and empirical endeavor. There are many reports from various sources that suggest that Panzerholz is a great mater... | |
Dedicated phono-pre for MM only? Axel, you and I are thinking along the same lines, save for the fact that I would not use a transformer anywhere. The desire for a balanced circuit is a real sticking point as almost none of the commercial products offer that. There is the Aqvox, ... |