Responses from lewm
tubes and analog I agree that Raul's integrity should not be held in question based on this misinterpretation or misunderstanding or whatever it was. | |
TOP Format I agree pretty much with Mikelavigne, except I would move SACD up to rank with "other vinyl" and "other high quality analog tape", but higher than FM. The ranking at #3 and #4 is VERY dependent on the sample, i.e., differences among individual LPs... | |
tubes and analog Kudos to Dr. Geddes but he has apparently rediscovered what has been the accepted wisdom in audio for probably more than 20 years. The only way to account for the fact that many folks prefer tube preamps and amplifiers despite the fact that they t... | |
Building high-end 'tables cheap at Home Despot II Thanks, Etch and Frankhertz. Don't need no stinkin' step-up, because I just finished modifying my phono stage for more gain, and it's working great driven by my Koetsu Urushi. (Seriously, if I did require a step-up, the Jensen would be my first ch... | |
Building high-end 'tables cheap at Home Despot II I had my first listen to a mighty Lenco on Saturday, playing my own records on a system that is otherwise foreign to me. I was floored by the HUGE soundstage, fabulous sense of depth and pace, and yes bass response in spades. Rumble? What rumble? ... | |
Questions about and source for Kuzma Reference tt Thanks, Azjake. Are you a user? If so, have you compared it to other top tables? | |
Atma-Sphere with which speaker cables? I've been using Alpha Core Goertz Silver cables with my Atma-sphere amps for several years with no complaints. Yes, the Alpha Core cables are relatively high in capacitance, compared to some others, but this will not at all negatively affect the p... | |
Balanced in phono stages preamp? Not to beat a dead horse, but you wrote, "Lewm - didn't mean to say that balanced was bad just that there were trade offs." Not only did I not say that balanced was bad, but I was trying to say that I prefer it and why. Also, I was trying to conve... | |
Opinions on Brinkmann Avance tt Thanks. That is a very interesting observation. The Dais is virtually ignored when top level tt's are discussed on this and other forums, whereas the Lagrange is universally admired in my experience (until your post). Can you be more specific abou... | |
Balanced in phono stages preamp? Your conception about what is happening to the output from the cartridge when interfaced with a balanced input is flawed, insofar as you see it to be a negative. The signal is not "cut in half" per se, and there is no conversion of the signal from... | |
Opinions on Brinkmann Avance tt Thanks for the sentiment, but I am hoping for a more direct response to my question. In fact, I have no particular gripes about the Hyperspace. I have an inner voice that tells me the same thing you're telling me. Nevertheless, since I may be able... | |
Balanced in phono stages preamp? Depends. Many products convert balanced to single-ended after the input and then process the signal in single-ended mode. Other products are single-ended all the way thru and then have an additional stage at the output that provides a balanced out... |