Responses from lloydelee21
Zanden transport and DAC or PC audio system Hi Emigene and Detlof,Any updates on your digital? I am using the Zanden 5000Sig DAC, and have been happy for 5 years with no thought of any upgrade...other than my transport (Oppo). I am however, now thinking about Stahl-Tek Vekian...any thoughts... | |
Best Digital cable to match Zanden 5000 DAC Hi Roccl007 - Are you still using your Zanden DAC? I am contemplating either getting the Zanden 2000P Ref Transport (second hand!), or going with Stahl-Tek Vekian Opus. What cable did you end up with? I am using a Valhalla BNC at it is a significa... | |
Zensati Cables Hi KopsI am MOST intrigued by your comment about Vekian! I am seriously considering one...i currently have a Zanden DAC i acquired second-hand several years ago. How does it compare to other SOTA digital you have heard? My priority is purity of to... | |
krell mda 300 ..mono block amp.. good luck! | |
krell mda 300 ..mono block amp.. Hi Banmac,cannot say i have heard those exact amps, but i have heard a number of amps i believe are from around that era from Krell. I also have read excellent things about this particular amp...it was a bit of a cost no object product at the time... | |
The best speaker you ever heard? Hi Lacee,Thanks for posting that...have never had the opportunity to hear the Westminster Royals but read many good things about them. I used to own the SF Strads and know the CLX quite well also. How would compare the Westminster Royals to either... | |
Inexpensive Transport Oppo blu-ray...plays every format, has digital out, and great video. | |
6x4 tube differences in a Fosgate phono preamp? I own Zanden DAC with a separate PSU which uses 6CA$ and 6x4...i put in Mullard 6CA4 and Sylvanias 6X4 from Brent Jessee Tubes...great guy...and yes, it made a big difference. Much tighter bass, bigger sound in a positive way...almost like a 'stro... | |
SS amp with high tone density + great separation ? My favorite SS amp with purity of tonality is the Gryphon Colosseum...pure Class A. Stunning...you can see reviews on Ultraaudio.com Jeff Fritz. I have heard CJ 350, Krell Evo One, Evo 600, Evo402, ARC Ref 210, MBL Ref monos, Boulder 2060, Gryphon... | |
Best speaker design for low to mid volume? Tim - too true!!! ;) although you and i did agree in our opening statements...many ways in speaker design to get there!That said, i also would 2nd nvp's statements about subwoofer for low volume playing. I run Wilson X1/Grand Slamms...and like eve... | |
Towers with massive dynamics & soundstage $3k? Thiel 3.6 or 2.4...have not checked 2nd hand prices in a long while. built like tanks...will take loads of power and respond in kind. B&W floorstanders 804,etc possibly...sweeter sound, less detailing but respond well to high power | |
Best speaker design for low to mid volume? IMHO, every designer takes his chosen technological elements and then finetunes them/voices them to make them as good as he can given the technology he uses and the budget he has set for production. There are great horns, great 3-cone, 3-way, 2-wa... | |
Hales Design Group Concept 3 Local dealer may be able to sell on consignment...coming from a store, sometimes get higher price (even net of their commission) and there should be good chance of a local buyer. Nice speakers. | |
sub-woofer recommendation for 2.1 channel ML sub is quite good with user-friendly dials (on the Descent which i've auditioned with CLX). I like Velodynes because they are super-easy to finetune which is a very important part of integrating a sub into a system. DD10, 12 and DD18 are all ex... | |
Valve amps for Shahinian Obelisk ? Good call on SS amp and tube pre...the newer tube amps like the new ARC150 or the CJ amps but intealled with the KT120 tubes apparently have quite a vice-like, SS-like grip and power, along with the midrange magic/transparency of good tubes. |