Responses from lloydelee21
B&W 801D or 802Ds Dave72regarding s/hand 801s, talk to Jack Tozzi at Spearit Sound. They are some of the best audio dealers i have ever done business with...for 10+ years. Please send him my regards. Based in Massachusetts. Lloyd Lee | |
Better XLR's Thanks. | |
Power cord for tube preamp w/SF Cremona Auditors? You know what? that seems like a fantastic set up. You've done a great job...and enjoy it! What phones are you using? I like the Sennheiser 580, 600 series. You may as well. Super comfortable, natural sound...good luck and pls keep us posted. | |
Better XLR's good to know...they always advertise tight fit...how can that be if pin diameter is smaller? is that even safe given grounding issues? | |
B&W 801D or 802Ds The 801Ds, as i recall, are even tougher to drive. So if 802D has tighter bass, you might need to go back and consider which amp was driving the 801s. And of course, you need to ensure that at home, you have such power (both current and wattage). ... | |
Power cord for tube preamp w/SF Cremona Auditors? Query whether you wish to spend money on a diff cable...which may change the sound thru your Cremonas...or change headphones. | |
Better XLR's i have spoken with a new cable manufacturer who does a lot of custom work...he has the option to offer his customers any kind of termination. i like his cables...Sablon Audio...FWIW, has elected to use Xhadows. | |
Biwire jumpers as speaker cables? i suppose you could always place them vertically with the top of the amp facing the listening position. Assuming the speaker terminals are towards the floor, then the amp would be about 8 inches off the ground...allowing the PC and IC to come stra... | |
Can all headphones handle HIGH Volume levels? You hear? Dre sold 50% of the Beats company he co-founded for USD250M to an Asian company. impressive. | |
Budget system around 1K Obviously s/hand will help a lot. Maggie 1.6 or earlier/Celestion sl6se SL600si or sl700si are wonderful. Certain B&W speakers, older Quad floorstanding cone speakers (not the electrostatics simply due to budget), Midrange magic. Totems tighte... | |
Preamps suitable for CJ ACT2 Series 2 preamp. Good luck! | |
Amps for Sonus Faber Stradivari Homage Wow...what happened to the msb? too bad. yes, Pass and Strads are a great combination. good luck! | |
Esoteric D-05 dac and Oracle transport V&V, i think your transport & D-05 are going to be great. Save your money and spend (a bit) on digital cable upgrade if you wish. | |
Quad 989/2905 all around qualities Hi Katamapah,I have not heard Klipsch in a long time...i have heard good things about horns, but the sound is quite a different character from electrostatics. i prefer 'stats myself. The sense of enveloping you in sound is quite something. Your ob... | |
Esoteric D-05 dac and Oracle transport Hi V&V,I would say you might find a lot of positive improvements in the digital cable (cannot speak to the Orchid not having heard it or read about it)...but there are some out there which really made a dramatic improvement over my original Ca... |