
Responses from lloydelee21

Lamm 2L Reference vs CJ GAT
Hi Suteetat,thanks for that...useful description of Lamm and good for me to keep in mind. Which 6922s do you like best? 
Lamm 2L Reference vs CJ GAT
Sounds like an amazing setup!!! Yes, i would imagine you need more current/power to drive the Q3...very tough impedance load down low...3 ohms or lower, as i recall from reading about them. i have not heard Lamm...only read quite a bit about them.... 
Cable for AudioNote E/SPeHe
AN tends to use silver in their own cables...you can find some AN cables on Audiogon...have read good things about them. You might also try SAblon Audio...also based around silver, but very, very natural pure tonality. Much less expensive as they ... 
MSB M202 compared to Pass XA.5
There is, i believe, a review of MSB monos by Hifi Critic (run by Martin Colloms). it may not be on the website, but i know they've done it as the MSB is listed in their rankings...the current record holder. hificritic.com if you hear it, pls post... 
Lamm 2L Reference vs CJ GAT
Hi Suteetat, Congrats...nice phonostage! Enjoy!! What speakers are you running with your Lamm electronics? Just looking into 2.2 amp...how does it compare with, say, Gryphon, Lamm hybrids, others? 
Quad 989/2905 all around qualities
the guarneri is a pretty impressive speaker and with great amps and proper setup in the room...can produce good bass. the older SF speakers like Extrema have more bass..perhaps not as refined (not heard myself)...though i have heard electa amators... 
Lamm 2L Reference vs CJ GAT
Hi Suteetat,any updates on GAT audition? 
Cambridge Audio 751 BD or Oppo BDP95?
I have heard the Cambridge stuff of old. i have heard Oppo (of new)...and also read up on both. I cannot advise properly as i have not heard the Cambridge Audio new stuff...but i can say that very, very few people walk away from Oppo unimpressed..... 
Antique Sound Labs 845 Cadenza Tube Suggestions
Talk to Andy at Andy's Vintage Tube Service or Brent Jessee Audio. Both are good, all have delivered great tubes to me and to many others on AGon. They really know their stuff. i have also spoken with Upscale Audio and they are also great...with e... 
B&W 801D or 802Ds
hi Dave72...any update? ;) 
magnepans with a sub???
Louis1,Read Etbaby's email...that for me is the 5th time i have heard or read about Krells and Maggies. def worth exploring for you. if you want to add tube pre, that should be fine...season to taste. 
magnepans with a sub???
Hi...i checked and see you have an ARC VT100...i cannot speak to this amp, except that i have heard the newer ARCs...at 100amps that may not be enough. I am thinking enormous Class A Solid State...Vitus, Gryphon, older Krell...these are amps which... 
magnepans with a sub???
I have had good experience auditioning ML CLX electrostatics with their own ML Descent sub...which has presets automatically setup for melding with the CLX. i have heard Apogee Stages blend well with top Velodyne.i personally have owned Velodyne f... 
When to replace pre-amp tube?
Done!!! Thuaile, i think you are in very good shape. good luck and enjoy! 
When to replace pre-amp tube?
Hi...answer is a little bit "it depends". What kind of tube? you can usually google the typical time of wear...3,000 hours for some,,,20,000hours for the longest. Or ask your manufacturer/dealer. Then do the math...how many hours have you played t...