
Responses from loomisjohnson

1 song you never get sick of?
Excellent picks @roxy54 to which I would add expecting to fly by buffalo Springfield and calling over time by Edith frost  
Whats on your turntable tonight?
@bslon I'm with you on all except for strange days, which marked a notable decline from the flawed genius that came befre. Quicksilver otoh is a candidate for the goat.  
Solo streamer
@rvpiano why are you a former musician... Seems to me you'd be one for all eternity  
Tune of the Day
@bdp24, long history of terrible/drug-addled onstage behavior + really pervy behavior with young women. not good, though undeniably a brilliant singer and songwriter.  
Tune of the Day
ryan adams, to be without you... It pains me that so many gifts were bestowed on such a bad person, but gifted he is...  
DCS Sending Legal Notice To Reviewer (Golden Sound) Over an Old Review of Their Bartok DAC
@cleeds, thanks for mentioning blue jean's epic takedown of monster cable--it was the classic example of how these feuds should be handled. that said, i can't help but be sympathetic to the (non-bully) businesses being victimized by ill-informed a... 
DCS Sending Legal Notice To Reviewer (Golden Sound) Over an Old Review of Their Bartok DAC
libel laws are  tricky. to my understanding,  you can't be liable merely for stating an opinion (an opinion being  a belief or viewpoint which may be supported by reason or evidence, but which cannot be proven true or false through evidence). howe... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
@slaw...interesting quirky listening. I just cued up your picks.  
Looking for a component for ripping and playing CD's.
+1 @panzrwagn-- the os on the bluesound vault is very user-friendly.  
Elvis Costello's favorite album of his own.
@bdp24, i gotta (mostly) disagree with you about the attractions. i think bruce and pete thomas are great at what they do--sure, they push the beat, but so does terry williams of rockpile; it's what makes them rock. as for their sound, i agree ste... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
@bslon et. al.: i mostly agree with the greatness of bare trees and future games (as well as ms. mcvie), though "sentimental lady" gargles my nads. as for the p. green era, i'd give "then play on" another chance--it has "o well" + "closing my eye... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
https://forum.audiogon.com/posts/2705208 @bslon, would you agree that kiln house is the best FM record and that danny kirwan its best singer/songwriter?  
Looking for a CD / SACD player. Also, tell me about Esoteric
personally, i'd get a separate transport + dac (which will be upgradeable) before dropping $10k on a cdp, but it's your dough. if you do want a single box, the denon dcd a110 is a helluva good sounding piece. i also saw the yamaha s3000 for less t... 
Need help choosing preamp for streaming
@francotirador2, let us know how you like the arcam  
Elvis Costello's favorite album of his own.
i'd say "this year's model" is his best, in the sense that it rocks the hardest, (arguably) sounds the best and has no skippable tracks. the one i listen to the most, however, is the odds-and-sods collection, "taking liberties," which is the least...