
Responses from loontoon

Feel vs. Think - take an objective look...
If you apply thought, or think about what you buy, then you will own Sony or like, and perhaps as high end as Best Buy's JBL or Klipsch.How is it we all arrived here? Something moved us. The sound of some systems is better than others but hey they... 
Sound Barrier...
I have used the barrium filled vinyl barriers, and z type sound channels and was not impressed for the sever cost.I have also built a room in a room with double drywall at a lower cost and was impressed. Hang the strips to attach the drywall layer... 
Why do people selling on E Bay "USE" Audiogon?
That's the REAL difference.jeff 
Headphone I can stand for more than 1 hour
Stax Lambdaloontoon 
Am I wrong?
Yup, this is supposed to be a tweaky painful hobby.Just read mag reviews: I mean read them, Such and such broke the day after I got it ----manufacturer says it was a one time even I had the replacement that afternoon.RE-READ this piece of crapola ... 
get vinyl rig or audio aero capital
Buy an old used in good shape Dennon, or a newer Rega, and outfit with the cartridge of choice and move on.jeff 
SACD/Redbook one-box solution?
The Cary's are Philip's transport based, maybe the Philips 963SA would fill the bill, with upsampling to boot.jeff 
Bi amping with Tube and Solid State
Don't do it, it's very hard to integrate tubes and SS via bi-amp. Go one way or the other. jeff 
Thoughts on Coda gear? Any Coda owners out there?
When Threshold went under where did all the people go???CODAjeff 
How do these room dimensions look????
Your dimensions are fixed, well OK but you can stud out and install the dry wall with a 13 degree change from the front of the room to the back of the room. Do the trig, set up a chalk line and install your base plate and studs on the chalk line. ... 
Booming bass from my B&W Nautilus
Check the location of the speakers, more information will help determine where to put them. Existing placement and overall size of the room. Sounds to me like they are either against the rear wall or in the corner, but not neccessarily. Try moving... 
Cd Recorders?
Makes awesome recordings from analogue but the out section DA is not to hot, however through a good DAC the sound can be very good. The disc burned are excellent.jeff 
Is my hearing bad?
Maybe, maybe not,Try this break that sucka in for about 100 hours put a disc on and let it rip for a week. Then, listen, not like your heads in a vice and your fixed on finding that difference, just listen like you always do maybe for a week, then... 
Please help me with a Cary Audio tube question
You can but it will require surgery and some changes, how good are you with a hot iron.Cary is a good company, they will probably respond, and probably even offer to do the mod for you, they are slow on e-mail. Give them a couple of weeks if they ... 
The Amp Game,
Be paitent and find an old S300 II Stasis amp from Threshold.They can be had at your limit, it will take a few months.I saw an S500 go on e-bay last week for a kilo buck.Also if you can live with lower output the Aleph are awesome amps at about th...