Headphone I can stand for more than 1 hour

Every headphone I have ever had starts to drive me crazy after 1 hour. I started with the Sennheiser HD 414. Warm foam cushions and push too much on my ears. Tried the AKG K-1000. Too heavy and push on the side of my head. Grado SR 325 - too warm. Why can't anyone make a headphone that sounds good and one I can use for a couple of hours? Have you found a comfortable one yet?
I agree about the HD600's. If you can't stand those, you probably won't be able to stand any headphones. I don't think the Grado 325's are too warm, but they are a little uncomfortable. The HD600 are more evenly balanced and very comfortable.
I couln't be without my Sennheiser 570 at work! listen for hours at a time...very comfortable, great sound.