Responses from lowtubes
Question for tube aficionados Hello, I’ve owned the PV-11 for over 20yrs now. It was my main preamp for 10yrs but I have moved onto a AR SP-11 Mk 2. I still have the PV-11 in my collection of preamps. The tubes that sounded the best to me in the PV-11’s linestage is the Ampere... | |
The ups and downs of tube vs. SS... Anyone that says tubes is better or Solid State is better is full of baloney. I’ve own both though out the years and they both can sound great and horrible too. Every system will sound best with either a SS or Tube designed amp. So you just find w... | |
Martin Logan speakers Just want to add something else, I have no idea what people are saying about a small sweet spot with the ML’s. I have a huge sweet spot with mine. I own several speakers and the only speaker that gives me a narrow window where I have to put my hea... | |
Martin Logan speakers I think that when people start talking about “enough power” as a issue to whether an amp is going to sound good on a speaker or if more power is needed, they really don’t have much experience in hifi audio. The only reason one needs more power is ... | |
Appropriate Power for 1.7i's 50 watts of a quality 2 channel amplifier is plenty of power if your room is not super large. If you desire more power, it will not hurt. I'm using 2 amps now on 2 different setups and the power is sufficient on both systems. Forte 4a on ML Reques... | |
Tube preamp with or without phono stage? http://www.miracleaudio.com/ | |
Tube preamp with or without phono stage? Hello, my friend makes a awesome preamp that I highly recommend and it sounds like something your looking for. Except the only characteristic you didn't mention, and now I'm concerned that it might not fit what your looking for is - musical. It's ... | |
Amps from the 1980's -- What gear holds up sonically? Reliably? Just to get back on track, the 80's had great items made from many companies. In fact, To think of it, I think some of my favorite stuff was made in the late 50's, 60's, and early 80's. One of my best picks is the Threshold SA line: even though I'... | |
Amps from the 1980's -- What gear holds up sonically? Reliably? Daveyf, I would rather own and listen to a McIntosh tube amp any day over a Audio Research tube amp. Yes that is my preference and I have heard AR amps along with MAC amps. That why I can't see your AR amp being the cream of the crop from the 80's... | |
Amps from the 1980's -- What gear holds up sonically? Reliably? In responds to Daveyf remark, "vote for cream of the crop," there is no way the AR components you mentioned would take that spot. There were way too many great sounding items. And I haven't checked but I'm assuming that the AR amp you mentioned wa... | |
Amps from the 1980's -- What gear holds up sonically? Reliably? There is just too much stuff to mention, some equipment will do wonders in some systems and sound average in others. But if you hear the same model component being repeated, then you know something special about that item. I used to believe McInto... | |
Amps from the 1980's -- What gear holds up sonically? Reliably? Well, for me the 80's was a time when CERTAIN designers made some really memorable items. My system today still has major components from the 80's. Beginning with Conrad Johnsons premier 1 amp all the way thru to the MV55 were all great sounding p... | |
Best Class A Amp under $2,000 used? I have no idea why people here don't just answer your question. There are a few very good class A amps to chose from. The best under $2,000 used? That's a hard question to answer because there is no best. It all depends on what kind of sound you ... | |
After nearly 20 years, I left Magnepan and went ProAc There is no way I can be convinced that a Proac speaker would sound more immediate than a well setup Magnepan. I owned 2 Proac speakers and they are very good, great detail, imaging, soundstaging, etc. But as properly setup large Magnepan on the c... | |
Is it too bright or is it high resolution? If it sounds good to you, isn't that all that matters? Now if your trying to get your system to sound neutral and non-bright, then your going to have to hear other well established systems along with having trusted audiophile friends help you twea... |