
Responses from lowtubes

Which LS3/5a?
BTW, only the 15ohm versions were the best sounding and only 15ohm used the Rifa capacitors.  There was only a few years in production where Rogers, Chartwell, Goodman, Audio Master, Ram used the Rifa caps.  Rogers used them in the late 1970’s. Ro... 
Which LS3/5a?
Hello, I have collected LS3/5a speakers for the last 30 yrs.  I have owned numerous pairs and still have a few.  Currently, I have a pair of Rogers setup on a tube amplifier with 805 power tubes 45 watts per channel. I have a friend who is very se... 
Are there speakers that disappear regardless of the recording?
Sorry to say but the question you post is ridiculous. They will not be a speaker that disappears for every recording.  The question is like asking is there a speaker that will have bass for every recording.   There are some speakers that are excel... 
Solid state amp recommendations for Maggies?
Hello, I have many years of experience in hifi audio.  There are some amplifiers I can easily recommend but a more important point to make is about quality.  I’ve never had good success matching tube amps with Magnepan speakers.  And also had to g... 
Power cord choice?
Rsjm80, the problem when you ask a question like yours is that people start recommending power cords and don’t really consider or realize the issue.  I myself can not recommend any power cord to you unless I personally hear the cord your presently... 
How much difference does a phono preamp really make?
Straight to your question, huge difference.  
warmest speaker cables you've heard?
I would easily recommend MIT 750 or Cardas Quadlink 5C.  
Class D amps seem poised to take over. Then what?
I purchased well regarded, highly recommend and reviewed Class D mono amps 1,000 watts of power and had high expectations but the Class D amps did not have the life, dimensionality, transparency and immediacy that my Class A SS amps had. With the ... 
Class D amps seem poised to take over. Then what?
I’ve tried some high level class D amps and none have sounded better than my Class A Threshold amps.  
Tubes for Magnepan’s.
Hello, I highly do not recommend tubes on Magnepan’s unless you’re willing to go through a lot to make it sound very good. There are very few times where tubes will sound good on Magnepan’s but in my experience most of the time solid state class A... 
What do $2500 speaker cables sound like?
Hello, I have quite a bit of hifi components, amps, preamps, turntables, and many hi-end cables.  I usually keep the cables I’ve purchased throughout the years in the event I need them in the future.  Usually, the difference between a $200 cable a... 
If your were to assemble a vintage system ?
Zavato,  If you ask me about a vintage system and if music is #1 on the criteria, I would recommend you pick up a Fisher tube integrated amp or a Fisher tube receiver. There are many models to choose from and all are great sounding. IMO, you will ... 
The Absolute Sound vs Pleasing Sound
Hello Russ69,  I’ve been through the same situation as you. I have 3 systems in my home. One system is 200 watt SS class A mono amps into Electrostats and two other setups are tube amps, EL34 100 watt and mono 18 watt 300b amps into conventional s... 
rule of thumb: how long do you leave a tube preamp on versus turning it off then back on?
I’ve owned tube preamp for 25-30yrs now. Do not worry about your tubes, they will last a lot longer than you think. I use mostly expensive highly sought after vintage tubes in my preamps and in all these yrs, only 1 tube has went bad. I use 20 tub... 
What makes speaker's sound big?
Hello Martin, I just read your post and haven’t gone through the responses. Excuse me if I may repeat something already mentioned. I’ve been in this hobby for 25-30yrs. So one of the things I offer is experience. The design of the speaker is what ...