Responses from macrojack
NHT 2.9s - what amp is for me w/small/med budget? Sounds like you just have to find a bigger Pass amp that you can afford. Aleph monos would be ideal. | |
Recommend Speakers For Yamamoto Zu Druids can be had for $2000 or less used on Audiogon but you have to respond quickly as they sell very fast. There are presently 4 pairs listed and they are all sold.Zu uses your amp to demo these speakers at shows and Srajan of 6moons had Drui... | |
Have you tried Red Wine? Suspense is killing me. I ordered my Sig 30 on July 3 and received an email from Vinnie last night saying mine should be completed and shippied by the end of next week. If he's that busy already when scarcely anyone has even heard about this piece... | |
Is a good Cermic Cartridge an Oxymoron? Throughout the 1980s I used a Jeff Rowland strain gauge board and a Panasonic strain gauge cartridge. I think I paid about $300 for the board and about $35 for cartridges and maybe $20 for stylii. I still have some of each but I sold off my Rowlan... | |
Zu Druid IV - the real deal? The Druid is very efficient. This affords wide latitude in amplifier selection. It has a very benign impedance curve, again affording almost limitless amplifier compatibility. It plays very loud without breakup. It is remarkably coherent allowing ... | |
Zu Druid IV - the real deal? D_edwards - I'm not one to grab the salt shaker or the ketchup bottle. I respect the chef in that regard. And I do not hasten to modify every product that enters my house with any and every available tweek. I don't have test instruments because I ... | |
Zu Druid IV - the real deal? D_edwards - I think my zen will be O.K. as long as you keep calling me friend. But I'm afraid that measurements aren't valued much around here. This is a very subjective and experiential crowd. We're more into what seems to be than what is, even t... | |
Zu Druid IV - the real deal? Bartokfan - You are a boundless source of misinformation which most of us chuckle about and then move on. However, I want you to be well informed on at least one topic if you choose to discuss it, and that would be my beloved Zu speaker line. It i... | |
Zu Druid IV - the real deal? Newbee has expressed my opinion better than I could. Thanks.Mechans - That seems to me to be a very good question that you should put to the Zu boys. I would answer it here and now if I could but it never occured to me to ask so.........Bartokfan ... | |
Zu Druid IV - the real deal? I have a friend, a piano tuner who hears things in my system I can never locate. Joni Mitchell sounds fine to me but he thinks her voice isn't chesty enough. He raves about levels of detail that I'm not sure I hear. Plainly, the two of us have dif... | |
Are some of us cultish in our beliefs Mrtennis- Your confession about timbral fealty is utterly on target although I don't see how you can differentiate it from a concern for sound. I see soundstage as an entertaining but non-essential part of the presentation as it really doesn't occ... | |
Are some of us cultish in our beliefs I'm a Viridian groupie. And Zu. And Red Wine Audio. And Srajan. | |
Gallo REfF3's-All their cracked up to be? Read about Zu Druids on 6moons. Srajan compares them directly to the Gallo Ref 3's. He had them both on hand at the time. Further, I know he traded up to bigger Zu's and still has the Gallos. In short, he praised the hell out of both of them.And I... | |
what amps mate well with Zu Definition Was it the mention of Pesto or all this talk about Red Wine that got you guys going gourmet? | |
what amps mate well with Zu Definition 2bigears- Sorry. I guess I started that gourmet detour. I'm presently using an RWA Clari-T on the front of my Defs and a Pass Volksamp for the rear drivers. It sounds quite good. Certainly much better than I expected but I suspect that my 6 watts ... |