Most people will not put in the time to learn Burn in.. It takes a lot of patience, NOT LISTENING... You do not sit and listen for 15 hours straight and decide to see if something happens. But this much I can Guarantee, TUBES, Capacitors, And even Drivers will change sound character after being under continuous load for a good solid week to 2 weeks straight, then when you shut it down and turn back on it will be pretty stable but still take maybe a half hour to warm back up to the 95% level it was at after the Serious burn in occured for a couple weeks.
There are a lot of backyard mechanics on this site that have heard their system in bursts, for 3 hours here, 2 hours there, another 5 hours over there.. So what, leave em' on and burn in new caps, drivers or tubes and there is Change whether you believe it or not, whether it is for better or worse, normally for better, better soundstage, smoother transient response, things don't sound as artificial.. Kinda how a brand new car the engine does not put out full horsepower and best gas mileage as it will after 3000 to 10,000 miles, it just works. Maybe some don't experience this phenom' Okay so be it, but that would suck for sure.
There are a lot of backyard mechanics on this site that have heard their system in bursts, for 3 hours here, 2 hours there, another 5 hours over there.. So what, leave em' on and burn in new caps, drivers or tubes and there is Change whether you believe it or not, whether it is for better or worse, normally for better, better soundstage, smoother transient response, things don't sound as artificial.. Kinda how a brand new car the engine does not put out full horsepower and best gas mileage as it will after 3000 to 10,000 miles, it just works. Maybe some don't experience this phenom' Okay so be it, but that would suck for sure.