
I read this article and i thought it may be interesting for those affected by it.



Interesting. I don’t sleep worth a crap.

I’ve had my hearing tested and it’s good, but my ears ring throughout the day on most days.

I think but never thought about it before reading this article that sound calm sleep for at least 8 hours can help tinnitus sufferer. I am not one but i thought this information was important or seems to be such to me.



Interesting. I don’t sleep worth a crap.

I’ve had my hearing tested and it’s good, but my ears ring throughout the day on most days.

Was hoping this article contained some sort of concrete research that might help we tinnitus sufferers, but all it is, is a collection of "this MIGHT help", "research MAY find" and "someday this MAY happen".

If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.  

The article link tinnitus to disrupted sleep cycle.

I did not knew that. Did you?

I never say nor the article claim that miracles cure is offered.

But anybody with a brain can conclude reading it that improving his sleep pattern can help the brain to reprogram the cycles then decrease or perhaps suppress tinitus.

It is up to you to try...

Instead of non sense complaining post...


«Wisdom is like a horse who need to sleep, it stay calm and dont complaint» G.M. cool

Was hoping this article contained some sort of concrete research that might help we tinnitus sufferers, but all it is, is a collection of "this MIGHT help", "research MAY find" and "someday this MAY happen".

If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.




Dunno about tinnitus - I've had it for decades; it went along with my loss of high frequencies and I've worn hearing aids for over 20 years, and sleep has not been an issue for most of that time, but good sleep can help with many an ailment. 

Alcohol is one of the worst offenders...not to mention detrimental effects on sleep and everything else it damages. Drinking is dumb, especially for older lads.

Lack of quality/quantiy sleep is paramount for overall health.

Longtime sufferer ALSO use a CPAP machine for sleep.

Doesn't surprise me that sleep is also tied to it. 

7-9 hours. The indiduals who tell you/read about going on 4-5 hours and seem to be healthy may be the exception to the rule OR they have health issues not apparent.

No one is exempt from requiring good sleep.

I dont think that tinnitus is caused by lack of sleep merely and only.

But i was surprised by the effect of lack of sleep in the perception of ghost sound as in tinnitus...

I think that it is interesting and may suggest to some to try method to sleep better as not a cure but a helping way in some experiment...

Stress and tiredness may certainly increase our own felt perception of ghost sounds ...


Dunno about tinnitus - I’ve had it for decades; it went along with my loss of high frequencies and I’ve worn hearing aids for over 20 years, and sleep has not been an issue for most of that time, but good sleep can help with many an ailment.

There are some drugs (I am thinking about legal ones) that are known to have the potential side effect of causing tinnitus. Aspirin is near or on the top of the list. I attribute my own tinnitus to taking a lot of aspirin when I was younger, and also wearing inadequate hearing protection during exposure to a lot of loud noise while I was employed as airline mechanic.

As far as lack of sleep and tinnitus, I was halfway watching an educational program a while back ago (I say halfway because I was doing something else at the same time--therefore I won’t swear I’ve got this part correct) and what I think I got out of it is that the sleep deprivation-tinnitus correlation is that tinnitus can result in poor sleep, not that poor sleep results in tinnitus, and that certain other health conditions that people with tinnitus are afflicted with are due to the chronic lack of sleep.

But, if I didn’t learn anything else during my next and last career as a nurse, I did learn that healthcare and medicine are not exact sciences.

Interesting perspective...

It cost nothing to try improving our sleep pattern anyway...

But, if I didn’t learn anything else during my next and last career as a nurse, I did learn that healthcare and medicine are not exact sciences.