

Responses from mapman

«Today’s Lyrics Are Pathetically Bad» Rick Beato
Yummy Yummy Yummy….those were the days!  
Ideas for a compact kitchen receiver?
Have you seen the Cambridge Evo 1?   Cambridge Evo One  
What Speaker Cables Taught Me About Audiophiles
Treble frequencies are most directional so how much will always affect imaging. If you want to play with treble and its effects on imaging, DSP or similar EQ is a much more practical, cost effective and flexible way to do it rather than expensive... 
Recordings with BASS
Try this:    
Am I crazy to upgrade?
My only concern buying larger Tekton used would be all those drivers. I’d want them all to be working properly. Not sure how hard it is to determine that.    
Doozy of an amp question
Recommend anyone still looking for that perfect amp these days give one of the newer GaN based class d amps a shot. I have the new model from Class D audio and it is a true revelation in all regards including sound quality, cost and size. Just wha... 
The need for variety and endless search for new details
I keep thinking having 20/20 vision would be better but now I’m starting to wonder. All that detail could be distracting.  🥸  
What contributes most to a change in how an amplifier sounds?
A good design  helps a lot.   
And a Ho! Ho! Ho! To All!
Best wishes for a safe and happy holiday to all.    
Why isn’t more detail always better?
Hmm I have ohm Walsh speakers that are very wide dispersion/pseudo Omni…somewhat like mbl. I never thought about it that way but sounds like they are good candidates to produce “bloom” as described.   I do always regard the ohm Walsh sound to b... 
There Is Nothing Like the Real Thing - Our State of the Art
I’m not complaining about the sound reproduction I can get off two speakers in a room at home. It’s the best ever! I can close my eyes and enjoy. Listening location at a live performance greatly determines what you hear. Also every recording is ... 
??? What Is The MOST Expensive System You Ever Heard ??? What Was Your Opinion ???
Same experience with mbl as @g2the2nd.   
??? What Is The MOST Expensive System You Ever Heard ??? What Was Your Opinion ???
The best system I ever heard was all mbl and the cost was not horrible by high end standards. But the thing that helped  make it the best was the showroom set up just right for those. Would take a lot of custom work to do that at home.    
??? What Is The MOST Expensive System You Ever Heard ??? What Was Your Opinion ???
Most expensive probably close to 7 digits. No thanks. Too big and too expensive to ever work in my house. Bigger but not necessary better. Maybe if I lived in a mansion…….  
Analog invites you to turn up the volume
Lots of things can happen.