Responses from marakanetz
Best Phono stage for a .3 mv Ruby 2 ? would T9 be a better match for Benz carts than more expencive phono-stages like Jeff Rowland, Plinius or Aesteghic IO?did anyone compare this case? | |
Best Integrated Tube Amp for 2.5K or Less the only word there is ENJOY... | |
Burn-in and Biasing There is nothing difficult in biasing and it can be done by elementary school graduate.Open the vtl page and surf through to find biasing instructions. A multimeter is a-must tool so you can get to the RadioShack and buy it.The logical issue: Why ... | |
The best speaker you ever heard? SENNHEISER ORPHEUS EAR SYSTEM heard on Headroom show in Philadelphia PA.I realized that once I get it i will need no speaker ever. | |
Do You Understand Music? ...some day usually on weekend I go to the East Village and check(mandatory to check) a huge number of "underground" downtown musical stores; yes, searching for the bargains and rarities, recognizing them by the record labels, producers, credits, ... | |
Audioweb/ What a bear i too get notious surfing through audioweb. also they havn't enough machines for the server and thus so slow. | |
What percent of your system cost is for cables? my speakers: $2100 amps: $1200 preamp(passive diy) $250 tape deck $200 dac $250 transport $600 TT/arm/cart $2800 phono $1000_____________________________total for system $8400 cables:panamax AC conditioner $250VanDenHul DIY interconnects terminate... | |
transport DAC incompatibility? ...right-on the voltage is not enough. inside the one-box CD players the DAC chips are matched to the output whilist the digital output itself might not be appropriate. you might contact the manufacturer and state the problem. in the digital case ... | |
Change needed at Audiogon I have a Question to all participating in this discussion members about Verification.Is the verification process similar to paypal that you have to verify your bank account?If Yes than I will stay Unverified due to the unsolved security issues on ... | |
Linn & Schematic? need one or any advise don't hang your head down.i'm the one who e-mailed you to offer the repair services and i confess to make such audiogon sin.becides your problem if you're realy challenging you should get to the and acquire "A Complete Guide to Electron... | |
Best P-Mount cartridge -- No Grado please Shure V15 MXR. | |
Ambient / New Age Anyone? ...just want to remind to all ambient lovers that Roedelius is a member of german ambient project CLUSTER along with Moebius and Plank.I used to have one of Cluster's latest albums "One Hour" which means one track on CD that lasts exactly one hour... | |
Change needed at Audiogon Patrick, I do not get how non-member can get your e-mail from your a'gon userid? I assume that you also have an ebay account and certainly there the non-audiogon ebay members can get your e-mail.Audiogon has certainly huge number of "holes" of a d... | |
What do you think about this idea for the FORUMS?? i'm sorry to jump a-little aside from that topic. there are a large number of things that must be done to improve and there are some negative things have been done so far while i'm using this site.-- somehow audiogon became much slower than it use... | |
Upsampling put to "THE TEST": R U ready 2 take it? Ohh!! that GamuT CD-1... Excellent machine!...but still it's one-box with perfectly matched transport and DAC i believe and it's still not a turntable... |