Responses from marakanetz
Suggestions for my first turntable? In bellow $1000 range MMF7 has certainly the best value with the least amount of headache especially for the first time analogue buyer. | |
Audiogoners-some musical recommendations Try to start researching ECM label catalogue. I believe that this label has its own music that is in the most cases has a fantastic recording quality. Among the most recommended performers I would pick Meridith Monk, Dino Saluzzi, Michael Mantler,... | |
Best sound at Stereophile show. I cannot say that I listen to only the hard rock or overdriven guitars but in my opinion if the speakers can't follow the rock guitar slams(i.e. slow) won't suit the music that I listen to. MBL in these terms are handycapped pedestrians. I like "B... | |
Suggestions for my first turntable? Music Hall MMF7 has a lot of what you actually need and you won't have to break your head about matching different tables and different arms. It also has fully-adjustable tonearm. You might switch later-on to the better cartridge. | |
Twisted or Straight? Your delight is appreciated, Audioengr. Thanks! | |
Best sound at Stereophile show. Ears are so damn different but some electronics/speakers can please the largest ear crowd, some of them are controversal like MBL! To me(not to offend anyone here) MBL reproduced the worst I've ever heard listening Ozzy Ozbourne; LedZep's Rock-n-R... | |
Best sounding integrated ...there is in fact none -- I believe that the term amp/speaker combo must be used. Higher power/current amps from one point of view can drive any speakers but on the other point of view might make them to edgy and unmusical.The mentioned Plinius ... | |
Which preamps if any combine all these features? OK until PS audio preamp isn't ready yet you should through them your ideas :^)! | |
Audiogoners-some musical recommendations That's where I'm standing, Ben. I'm always in research for new music and preferably non-monochromatic.Most-likely for the "other" kind of music you have to do more thorough research. I curently possess Philip Johnston band CD recorded on 1994. I w... | |
Digital amp beat them all? Audio Physic Strada . ...even if I use it for analogue i will not use a correction system. If I use it without correction the signal will not be converted to digital and will go straight to the analogue domain. | |
Digital amp beat them all? Audio Physic Strada . If I would use it it might add on some digital collection in addition to my analogue. CDs sounded wonderful(even with correction bypas) since the DAC inside this unit can be used successfully with any transport. As far as I know about TACT it stil... | |
Joe's Garage V.S. Broadway I happen to posess Joe's boxed set of vinyls with texts and casts too.In fact FZ even made fun of his own musicians on the stage as well!I wish he was still here with us. | |
RB300 maintainance... Good for us to hear differences! -- The problem had been resolved with recyclable party plates and guitar picks where necessary. Still hear the differences but much-much lower and on acceptable level. RB300 after all isn't easy arm to set up prope... | |
The best speaker you ever heard? I believe that this thread will fill out by a few of us who were in NYH.So far it was Joseph Pearl. | |
Best sound at Stereophile show. Flex, to tell the truth I cannot describe anyhow Piega/Meridian DVD-audio room since there were not any great possibility to listen to the music due to the extraneous noise comming from open doors. I felt that bottom end is being dissapeared ore c... |