

Responses from marakanetz

Tube and Tube Socket Cleaning
what kind of noise is that? microphonic? ac? hissing?i just realy wonder how the other socket isn't noisy being basically as "dirty".the cleaning doesn't help everytime as in this funny story:a blondie is trying to start up her malfunctioned merce... 
Best female vocals on CD
The best ones are all from France:Edit Piaf,Julliette Greco, Francois Hardy,Mireille Mathieu,Patricia Kaas,Guesch Patti. 
Why are there so many unopened amps, ect for sale?
In any case it's OK to grab a chance for a great discount for NIB product except if it's stolen as mentioned by Budrew. So I guess that the buyer has to ask for serial number first and than call manufacturer(that's what I always do) like a lemon-c... 
Guitar Alphabet. Please fill out unused letters...
Instead of bassist Wobble on W I'm placing Zack Wylde. 
Do you listen to your heart or your eye?
...still I believe that most wives will complain about looks especially if it takes so much space as Vandy 5 or Tannoy Westminsters or Churchhills. 
consensus on passive preamps?
I've just got my dealer pissed auditioning TACT RCS2 in my current setup.I've got back to McCormack Line Drive in passive mode.I feel I'll never go active again. 
About Van den Hul D-300 S cable
Hi, Dazzdax.I'm 100% wired with VanDenHul. Any different cable I will try let it be more expencive or more fancy it either doesn't improve nor make things worse.Whenever you're dealing with VanDenHul(directly) #1you'll get the best professional ad... 
Why are there so many unopened amps, ect for sale?
In most cases people carefully unseal the box and than seal it back if they need to sell. Certainly they have to maintain the unit's cosmetic condition as new. By default, the unit that left the territory of audio dealer is used even if it was nev... 
Do you listen to your heart or your eye?
Tie up your eyes before even seing any speaker prior to auditioning and than decide. Vandy 5s are realy ugly especially without grilles. Them you'd better audition with tied eyes. 
Which Of The Following CD Players Are The Warmest?
You can use a "Cat Test"Place a cat on any of the players (while they're on) that you want to try and if the cat will sleep on it than it's the worm one.:)I saw it myself in the dealer's demo room with newest Jolida player meaning that I assume th... 
Guitar Alphabet. Please fill out unused letters...
I've got pretty big L too that I've forgot to mention(shame of me!) ARTO LINDSAY a former member of Lounge Lizards.No is the pretty big R with MARK RIBOT that is also member of Lounge Lizards. 
Thick or thin speaker & interconnect cables ?
At 10W/ch all you will ever need is to keep your cables as short and as newtral as possible. You can go as low as 20AWG for the speaker cable since the current isn't high. 
newbie need help on decision on buying an amp
Hello newbie that has 3A!Not a bad speaker for the beginner I dare to admit.Here is my list:VTL MB180Rogue M120 magnumPathos Twin Towers(don't pay attention to 35W/ch) since they can drive leterally anything.Audio Research VT100. 
Guitar Alphabet. Please fill out unused letters...
Believe it or not I've read all of your great responces and certainly will continue my list on the paper. I know that I've even forgot to include many that I know such as BB King, Les Paul... I've even included some basists deliberately since I kn... 
Music to die to