

Responses from markalarsen

Can you live with your current speaker until you die?
When I sincerely say it out loud people laugh.   
Full range stand mounted speakers
Yamaha NS-5000  
Active Speakers - Anything new coming?
YG Acoustics’ $59,800 Vantage Live  
Dunning-Kruger effect   
Integrated Question
The Bel Canto Black EX has high and low pass filters, a definite plus for controlling subs.  
DSP Active Crossover
I use DEQX to actively crossover my subwoofers at 85 hz. It also corrects timing and room issues.  It is the only way I can integrate subwoofers. Fabulous results but I needed professional help from Larry Owens — say approximately three hours of o... 
DSP Active Crossover
I can buy everything but the skill set.  I will buy manufactured products and keep all of my fingers.   
Velodyne DD15 - worth repairing the plate amp?
Buy a new servo controlled Rythmik subwoofer.  I have owned Velodynes in the past.   
Would you choose 1 ou 2 subwoofers for a stereo set?
I suggest DSP-based active crossover, time alignment and room correction hardware and software such as Danville Signal dspNexux, miniDSP or DEQX Time Alignment in 5uS increments Sample Rate Conversation and Jitter Attenuation Room Correction ... 
PS Audio Aspen FR20: Planar Floorstanding Speakers
Totally agree    
Five feet from the front wall
I agree with you but often see reference to the wall behind the speakers as the back wall.   
The greatest Pop song yet written and recorded.
Carnival by Natalie Merchant  
It's almost like poll, but certainly more fun
No one notices your watch, including my Rolex.   
PS Audio Aspen FR20: Planar Floorstanding Speakers
My FR-20s replaced Magnepan 20.1s, both set up almost in the exact same location.  You are correct; there is no comparison.  The FR-20s easily win that A/B test.     I love the Magicos such as the 2023 S3, but they are double the price.  Not a bi... 
The mistake armchair speaker snobs make too often
I love DEQX.  You need to use and pay for professional installation.  With goo equipment and speakers, this results in a reference level system.    I have an impossible room with slate floors and 7’ ceilings.   System now sounds great. It is the ...