
Responses from mauiaudioman

Is harmonic accuracy and timbre important at all?
Much of the music we listen to today is recorded in studio's using multi-track recording equipment. Microphones are chosen by their ability to best capture the sound of the instrument or voice being recorded. It's important to note here that much ... 
GMA Callisto VS. Merlin TSM
Bobby, it seems you have found a way to avoid that customary 3db suckout at the crossover that other in phase 12db/octave speakers exhibit. Congratulations! I understand why you would be reluctant to discuss this further. Thanks for your thoughtfu... 
GMA Callisto VS. Merlin TSM
Bobby, it is my understanding that the mathematics involved in a second order filter dictate that, at the crossover point, you have one leg that has gone 90 degrees inductive and the other leg has gone 90 degrees capacitive. The two legs are 180 d... 
Advice on a speaker purchase
Walkman, you can hear the GMA Calisto's that Cenline suggested at Landes Audio on West Main St in New Jersey. I suggest to you it would be a drive you'll enjoy. Paul Candy at also reviewed them. You can read his review here: http://www.... 
GMA Callisto VS. Merlin TSM
I personally don't see how these two speakers can be similar in presentation. GMA uses a 1st order, time and phase aligned crossover network. Merlin uses a 2nd order, non time and phase aligned crossover. Merlin doesn't devulge it's design secrets... 
Is harmonic accuracy and timbre important at all?
Not sure where you got that information, but it is flawed information. 
Is harmonic accuracy and timbre important at all?
Steve, good post. The answer to your question is simple: Most speaker designers don't know the physics behind designing a time/phase accurate speaker. It's much easier to claim that it's not audable. I suggest that anyone owning a pair of well des... 
the right speakers
Look into Green Mountain Audio's line. For $2900/pair you can get the Calisto's, an excellent two way monitor made of cast marble, time aligned. For $4995/pair you can get the new Pico Executive, a three way system time aligned. You won't be sorry... 
Monitors for a bedroom system.......
GMA Europa's fit the bill perfectly at half the price you want to spend. 
Help finding Hi End in Denver
Drive 60 miles south on 25 and see Roy at Green Mountain Audio in Colorado Springs. You won't be sorry. 
Upgrading - Pls Suggest Speakers to Review
Green Mountain Audio is soon releasing a speaker called The Pico Executive. Roy tells me this speaker is "amazing" I have never been able to prove Roy wrong. They will retail for $5K/pair, which seems like they would in a lower end league than the... 
Outstanding Speakers, Outstanding
I for one, am still awaiting the long publicized yet never realized review of these speakers at Last time I asked about the review, I was told the company was the hangup, no loaner pair, one key employee/part owner left the company. Af... 
A brutal review of the Wilson Maxx
Samuel, what exactly in the Hardesty article do you consider "nonsense"? 
A brutal review of the Wilson Maxx
Audiokinesis,You state that as an amature speaker designer you were unable to make a 1st order crossover speaker sound good. That doesn't suprise me. The pro designers however, do them just fine. Think GMA, Audio Machina, Harmonic Precision, Zu, G... 
Comparison of $11,000 - $15,000 reference speakers
Leaving GMA Continuum 3's off this short list would be a crime.