

Responses from maxwave

From the Batmobile to highend electronics
@tomic601 I am not the one with the biggest EGO here. Ihave teached Tae Kwon Do a long time ago. Some students were particulary hard with their partners. I gave ONE warning . If it was not enough,I selected these students for a ´´ demonstration ´´... 
From the Batmobile to highend electronics
@mahgister´´about that balance between additions to the system/ versus upgrades... ´´You have perfectly understood my point with this thread :-) 
From the Batmobile to highend electronics
@mahgister  +1Do not give fishBut teach how to fish.(or  learn by yourself ) You have not paid others , to do what you were able  to achieve.This is great 
Gryphon Diablo 300
According to the manual, only input #3 may be used for the bypass .No other inputs . Otherwise , It would be indicated.You will have to connect the other pre-amp.  or HT processor using RCA interconnect cables. 
From the Batmobile to highend electronics
@millercarbonEcoutes moi bien mon ostie de niaiseux , tu ne viens plus sur mes discussions . Sinon l’histoire que je vais compter sur toi , mon petit christ de farfadet farfelu , tu vas t’en souvenir longtemps 
From the Batmobile to highend electronics
I think , I am not the only one who is easyly seduced by the pseudomagic of ´´ tweaking ´´ gears . The less you understand the specifications , the  more extraordinary , they appears.  Being  more and more lazy , I pay with Credit Card and it is d... 
I'm new and need help
Looking for speaker advice-$10-20k
You may visit the dealer who sold you the Anthem STR Integrated.He could offer you some speaker listenig sessions  with an Anthem STR Integrated.As a known client , he could give you a good price. 
Puritan vs Nordost Power Cable
I have ordered one  ´´ Ultimate ´´I am looking forward to test it with my LuminX1 .It will replace a PS Audio AC5 
Puritan vs Nordost Power Cable
@tarichar whitch  modele of Shunyata power cord  ?  SIGMA NR V2  ?I understand that ´´ upgraded ´´ in the OP post was in replacement  to the stock Puritan cable that comes with the 156. 
Puritan vs Nordost Power Cable
The Puritan Ultimate power cord is about 1/10 of the price of the Nordost Valhalla power cord. ( I have verified from a Puritandealer )It seemed at first sight they are not in the same league.What is the ´´ upgraded ´´ feature all about? I am a bi... 
What equipment should I invest in next?
Synergistic Reaserch Orange Fuse  
About the importance of the room vs the electronics
@millercarbonYes MegaMind, you are rightIn the futur , try a litte bit of frenchwith me ..... 
About the importance of the room vs the electronics
@mahgisterThanks for the explanationI am not perfectly bilingual , so the deep sense of some wordsis out of reach for me sometime.@millercarbon is brilliant ( I am serious ), he knows a lot more about audio than me.He gives good idea here , on Aud... 
About the importance of the room vs the electronics
What about water ?Wales can hear for miles .There is music in pools for synchronised swimmingI don’t know what is in your head ? Air or water . That simple