Classical Rock

I'm hoping to expand my Classical Rock playlist.  So far I have:

Jan & Dean - Pop Symphony No. 1
The Moody Blues - Days Of Future Past
Deep Purple - Concerto For Group And Orchestra
LSO - British Invasion
The Who - Who's Serious

Any other suggestions?

I have ELP, Renniassance, Chad & Jeremy.
I’m looking for instrumentation NOT sound.

Yes to Symphonic Live.
They did an obscure Studio album shortly after.
They started their shows in the 70’s with taped orchestral. Firebird. 
Elton John : Madman across the Water 
Arrangment by Paul Buckmaster.
Is it Classical  Rock ??
@ oldhvymec
The heck with it.. I like James Brown, Carlos Santana. Tower of Power, Gram Central Station, AWB, Cool and the Gang.. I liked FUNK... STILL DO!!!!
Ditto I might add Earth Wind & Fire also. And of course all the standard rockers you named above the funk
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