Responses from mazian
New SS integrated choice....Rotel 1572Mk2, Audiolab 7000A, Exposure 2510 @soix +1. Out of the ones listed by the OP the Exposure is the best but the Hegel beats then all. Then again you could consider tubes. | |
Component contributions to “sound stage” @musicfan2349 +1 I would be interested to hear from a qualified electronics or audio engineer as to how a power cord or fuse can impact on soundstage. Not interested in opinions from audiophiles from the school of wishful thinking. | |
Component contributions to “sound stage” The recording. | |
Overkill for small room I had Dynaudio Contour 1.8 floorstanders in a room your size and the bass was tight and solid but not at all boomy. They were probably amongst the best speakers I have owned and I have owned plenty over the years. | |
My Aurender N150 is stuck in repeat mode I hope you have more luck with Aurender customer service than I had. | |
The time has come and I request advice... When I had an Aurender it didn't do Roon at all. I don't know if things have changed. | |
Giving Advice without recommending your own equipment Other people's views can be of limited use in relation to SQ but not in relation to reliability. For SQ you have to hear it yourself preferably, if at all possible, in your own listening environment. | |
Customs delay from China. How long should I reasonably wait? I had a similar experience with FedEx when importing a preamp from the USA to Australia. It was stuck with either Australian Customs or FedEx and I couldn't get any information from either. In fact it was virtually impossible to contact them at al... | |
How important is the efficiency of a speaker to you? Class D has come a long way and I have been more than happy with SQ of the Nord Purifi. Many other reviewers and actual users have also been impressed with most of the new Gan and Class D amps. @ghdprentice I too have moved on from the MLs, now... | |
How important is the efficiency of a speaker to you? Gan and Purifi based Class D amps will drive any inefficient speakers and the cost is not excessive. I used a Purifi Class D rated at 300wpc to drive ML Vantage speakers which go as low as 1 ohm at times. | |
Microphonics, Feedback and Bob Carver Fascinating to see two technical experts to and fro on an issue even if I have no understanding of the technicalities that they are debating. | |
Kids, Dogs, and Speakers It would take a truck to knock over a pair of Duntech Sovereigns. | |
vibration control - cd player The best vibration control according to most engineers is springs. You can pay a lot or very little if you buy on Aliexpress. | |
The $10,000 Question I'm no help on an integrated but hear good things about Hegel and Rogue integrated. As far as speakers go if you are into classical and tube sound get the highest level Sonus Fabers you can afford possibly used . | |
Help me pick some new or used speaker cables +1 for Cardas is you want to take the sting out of the top end. |