Overkill for small room

Hello all - long time lurker, first time poster. I've enjoyed reading so many of these posts, and I feel like I'm learning so much from you guys. Thank you for that.

I am strongly considering a pair of Dynaudio 20i - I am aware they require serious amplification - but I suspect that they'll be too much for a small room

Room specs: (11 wide by 14 long, normal ceiling height with acoustical tile, carpet tile covering one entire wall, wall-to-wall carpet on top of cement slab, no basement).

Am I nuts? 

Thank you in advance.


I don’t think they’ll be too much. It is possible though that you may require additional sound absorption panels in that room. Dynaudio speakers love to be cranked up. If you like to listen at low levels these are probably not for you. 

Many thanks for the helpful comments thus far. You've made me feel better already. 

My main concern is ending up with bass that's muddy/boomy/hard to control. With a small room, I won't have all that much space to pull them away from the front wall. They're rear-ported and allegedly require much care in placement to really shine, so I was concerned with distances from the back wall and side wall being problematic. 

Do I turn it up to 11? On rare occasion when the right song deserves it, but most listening is at med to med(+) volume. 

I've not used room correction previously, but I trust it's highly effective since it seems extremely well utilized among forum users here. I imagine there's a learning curve with Dirac/ARC as well.

I had Dynaudio Contour 1.8 floorstanders in a room your size and the bass was tight and solid but not at all boomy. They were probably amongst the best speakers I have owned and I have owned plenty over the years.

I have a smaller room than yours and am running Fritz Rev7 SEs.  They have a similar size footprint, woofer, frequency response, as well as being rear ported.  I know it’s not the same speaker but I do not think you will overload the room with bass.  My room is not.  I’ve even added two subs to my setup and it still doesn’t overload the room.  I have some decent treatment though.  I think you will be fine.  You can also plug the rear port if you like and see what that does.  I plugged mine with some memory foam inserts I made myself.  Good amplification with a good damping factor would help bring you nice tight bass.

Sounds like a great choice. DynAudio speakers are excellent. Particularly if you have control of the room you can really dial them in. There is plenty of room to pull them in from the walls and back. You can easily make a ~6 -7 foot triangle with the speakers and seat, with lots of room behind for a deep soundstage .

I just helped a friend set up a set of full sized Wilson Watt Puppies in a room about that size. They sound great from a whisper to head banging volumes. They are set up along the short wall with the equipment rack off to the side (amp in between ((Audio Research VSi80). Not putting the equipment in between the speakers was important. The speaker wall had tall windows which we covered with cushions behind curtains, deadening the window reflections.