
Responses from mceljo

Loudness or high sensitive speakers?
I think you’re mixing apples and oranges. Higher sensitivity speakers will produce a higher sound level with the same power input as a lower sensitivity speaker. Loudness functions adjust the EQ. From Fletcher and Munson were re... 
@theaudioamp - I don't think that that it's necessarily expected that the best sound will be the result when using cables from a single manufacturer.  I think it's reasonable to expect that a cable manufacturer would do their R&D with all of t... 
@adg101 - Placebo and expectation bias cannot be completely ignored.  I do not have the ultimate system, setup, etc., and I have heard differences in my system from cable changes.  So far it's been limited to analog interconnects (upgraded twice w... 
Your thoughts on selling
You might consider taking the time to listen to them as you might find that you're missing out on some music that you've forgotten about, overlooked, or enjoy more with your current system. I had several stacks of CDs that I was ready to get rid ... 
MoFi controversy
@blisshifi - I'm certainly far from a hifi expert.  I do a little reading and watch some videos and try to pick out the commonalities and things that seem to be common sense to me. The idea that the mastering for vinyl (70 dB dynamic range) and C... 
Which sounds better: I2S or Coax.
Paul from PS Audio is pretty clear that they consider the I2S to be superior.  Any reason to question them if you trust them enough to own their equipment?  
MoFi controversy
@jdm11 - I think the physical interface with vinyl will always sound different than with a digital source, but the dynamic range of the two forms of media can also have a significant impact on the sound. The dynamic range on SACD is significantly... 
Krell anticipator circuits of the 1990s
@dlcockrum - My friends amplifier is a Krell KSA-100S.  It has sustained plateau biasing with four lights on the front to indicate the various levels.  Not quite the same implementation, but similar concept.  
Krell anticipator circuits of the 1990s
A friend of mine has one of these Krell amplifiers, I think.  It has about 5 different ranges that are identified by lights on the front.  The example you give is very specific and it's almost always possible to find a specific example to expose a... 
Dac or Power regen, which gets the better cable?
@sns - Best as defined as top of the line for whatever brand you've decided tickles your fancy the most? Using the word "best" for anything audiophile seems like it would be in the American use when naming a teriyaki restaurant :-)  
This sounds suspicious...
Is it possible that the scammer will post items, have a coconspirator buy them, and then create a positive sales history to better fool discerning buyers?  
Dac or Power regen, which gets the better cable?
I've seen a video with Paul from PS Audio where he mentions that the need for fancy power cords with their power regenerators is theoretically unnecessary even though they use very fancy ones.  If they do what they are advertised to do then they s... 
Are all dBs created equal?
@baclagg - I've not heard a Focal speaker that I didn't like, but the tweeters are a bit polarizing when it comes to personal preference.  What amplifier are you using?  
Are all dBs created equal?
80db will present very differently depending on the tone being played.  As an example a tuba at 80db will present very differently than a piccolo trumpet. Ideally, @ghdprentice has it nailed because that would be a very positive result. The othe... 
How Audiphiles are Different
@erik_squires - My intended point was only that we all experience sound differently, so it should be expected that audiophiles would all appreciate different systems/sounds and poor acoustics might be more critical for some than others.