Responses from mceljo
You know you have audiophile system when... @wyoboy - As often happens, the responses were not what I was looking for. In my system I have considered it to be an audiophile system since I first purchased it, but after rolling tubes and playing with power cables and interconnects it because... | |
objective vs. subjective rabbit hole @celtic66 - You post entertained me. F1 engines are designed without limitations which is different than assembly line produced engines, but they are absolutely designed with extremely tight specification. I'd bet that 99% of what they do is des... | |
Speaker Questions @okalautar - The big question is what your goals are for listening. If you’re interested in stereo listening I’d skip a center channel and consider going with very inexpensive rear speakers and possibly a decent subwoofer. What is the rest of yo... | |
Sound improvement with DAC, or Amp update I’m far from an expert, but after looking at the specs on your B&W speakers and Yamaha receiver, I would think that you’d benefit more from a better amplifier than a DAC. The Cambridge Audio integrated lists for $1,500. It looks to have pr... | |
A CD PLAYER whose sound quality NOT AFFECTED by the DAC? The Bluesound Node only has digital inputs, so anything you connect to it will rely on its internal DAC. | |
PANGEA AUDIO AC 14SE MKII SIGNATURE POWER CABLE OR WHAT? As an update, I have a used Pangea AC-14XL in the mail. | |
Fuse Direction for Pass Labs Amp and Preamp @pdreher - I'm not sure what your experience is with My Pillow, but I like mine. I'd recommend that you try one, but will warn you that they are somewhat directional like most pillows are after an extended break-in period. Yellow fill is my refe... | |
PANGEA AUDIO AC 14SE MKII SIGNATURE POWER CABLE OR WHAT? I am leaning towards Cullen Avius if I go new, but I may have an opportunity to get a used Pangea AC-14XL. | |
Can a great system make a mediocre recording sound good? My perspective on this topic has somewhat changed over the past few months. I think all of us have recordings that we consider to be stellar, others that we consider to be poor, and others that that don't warrant a strong opinion either way. If ... | |
Power Cables and Wall Sockets @clearthinker - I can't speak to your specific equipment, but until recently I considered myself to be mostly a cable agnostic so to speak. I had always been skeptical that cables could provide a significant improvement, but always left the door ... | |
My First DIY Power Cable I’d recommend watching some videos from GR Research first. I don’t know anything about your background, but know that GR Research has some reasons that they don’t sell a power cable DIY kit and instead choose to assemble them in house for sale. I ... | |
Suggestions on minor upgrades to purchase I'd recommend starting with W Audio power cables that you can get for about $50 on Amazon. I have three in my system and the one on my integrated amplifier resulted in a significant improvement. Any improvement from the ones only DAC and power c... | |
I am so happy..... @asctim - I can relate to experimentitis. I'm very happy with my current system and don't plan to ever truly upgrade from my speakers or integrated amplifier as it would take more of a financial investment than I consider to be justifiable for me ... | |
Audioquest Design Question @chayro - My virtual system is not up-to-date. I have replaced the BJC LC-1 interconnects with AQ Chicago and noticed a significant improvement. I also replaced the BJC silver plated digital cable with AQ Cinnamon and noticed no difference. I r... | |
I recently picked up the Yaqin MC-30L with the opt @output555 - I no longer have this amp (a friend does), but I am not a headphone user so can't comment. I didn't really enjoy this amplifier and consider it to be a quality product with a high value. |