
Responses from mceljo

Cart before the horse or horse before the cart?
As far as I know, the 3D feature is just the latest HDMI connection. I don't think there are any specific features built into the receiver itself.The TX-NR708 has all the same features with less rated power per channel but still maintains pre-outs... 
A 'First' System for my Son
Figure out how much you're willing spend and schedule a time to take him shopping to listen to different equipment with a not to exceed budget. Get him what he wants. The most important thing is that he have some investment in the system or it won... 
Two Amps One Speaker Issue - Plinius & Rotel
x2 - you're essentially running power the opposite direction it was intended through your amplifiers. 
Cart before the horse or horse before the cart?
Onkyo TX-NR808 would be a great option from the online retailer that you speak of. A co-worker of mine just purchased one and seems very happy with it.It is rated for 4 ohms and has pre-outs. The current price is right in your range. 
Cart before the horse or horse before the cart?
If you're not wanting the option of pre-outs to step in the future to a 2 channel amplifier then you can drop several levels down in that same line and get a VSX 820 that should have plenty of features for less money. A friend of mine recently pur... 
4.1 HT?
I dumped my Bose center channel after upgraded to Focal mains. It seems that as long as you're sitting between the mains the center isn't necessary as the mains can ghost it in just fine, BUT if you have people sitting outside of the mains then it... 
Cart before the horse or horse before the cart?
Something similar to a Pioneer VSX-1120-K would be a great unit as it's very current with the latest technology. 
Cart before the horse or horse before the cart?
What do you currently own?Personally, I would suggest getting the least expensive receiver that you can that includes pre-out for all channels. This will give you the option to combine it with a dedicated 2 channel amplifier in the future for the ... 
Is an iPod considered to be a Transport?
I thought it was going to be digital to the receiver, but I think you're right about it being analog. It's fine for what it'll be used for. 
Help with bookshelfs
The difference between the Chorus 700 and 800 series speakers is cabinet thickness, finish and the 800 series floorstanding models add a bottom port. The listed specs on the 706v and 806v are identical and the price difference is $250. I'd be will... 
Help with bookshelfs
Consider the Focal 706v as it has the same drivers as the 806v for less money. The only difference is the cabinet thickness and finish. My local Focal dealer recommends the 706v for a bookshelf and then goes to the 800 Chorus series for the floors... 
Is this Placebo or something real?
Rakuennow - Being an engineer causes me to always wonder and try to understand things, but I certainly don't claim to understand vibrations. In fact, I switched from mechanic engineering to civil engineering after two weeks in feedback and control... 
Is this Placebo or something real?
Would this be a bad time to admit that I've managed to never see the Matrix? Not really on purpose, just seemed to work out that way. 
Is this Placebo or something real?
Rakuennow - There are two general types of support devices. One type decouples the equipment from the surroundings (i.e. sitting on foam, rubber mounts, etc.) and the other couples the equipment to whatever it's sitting on (i.e. spikes, etc.).The ... 
how does current work in an amplifier?
Dsper - the owner at the store I deal with is constantly telling me to ignor specs and just listen. He's given me some extrememe examples of equipment that he's heard where the actual sound was the opposite of what was expected. It was something c...