Responses from mesch
Digital newbie I am with those who have suggested you start with your computer. I stream Qobuz via my Mac Pro and when I find an album I find worthwhile to own I purchase the CD. I will someday purchase a dedicated streamer, however for now streaming serves for ... | |
full range or mini's and a sub I agree with most of what has been aforementioned. It would be nice to see responses to the questions asked. I have truly enjoyed stand mount speakers with or without subs (yes, 2 better than 1) in smaller rooms. | |
Fritz Carrera 7 Be and 300B power amp? I also suggest you talk to John, owner of Fritz. What is your room size? I own Fritz Carbon 7s and use them in a 15x12x8' room driven by a PP tube amp with 20wpc. That is more power than is needed for my room. With this amp the Carbons could f... | |
I am about to embark on my next upgrade journey Since you are asking about speakers, I also recommend Fritz Carbon 7SE MK2s. They fit your desired specifications. A very easy to drive and like speaker. I own a pair and use them in at room much like yours. John, the owner of Fritz, offers 30 da... | |
Emotiva XPA-2 Gen 3 or NAD C 275BEE or Rotel RB-1582 MkII for Revel F208 I would vote for the NAD as I believe it would be the best sonic fit and the greatest return on investment at $900. | |
Which Vintage CD Player To Use As A Transport? @paul6001 Do you own the DAC and are now looking for a transport or do you need to purchase both Items? If you own the DAC I see no problem finding a CD player having digital output to use with it. Issue is that the first thing that fails with ... | |
How important is the efficiency of a speaker to you? My thinking is that efficiency is a product of both reactance (impedance and phase angle) and sensitivity. The reactance relates most toward 'easy to drive' while sensitivity relates more toward size of room to be pressurized. Since the Fritz sp... | |
Sansui 441 speaker recommendations Operating on the assumptions that this gift is driving the need and your on a strict budget, I recommend the Daton Audio 652s for sale at Parts Express ($50). | |
Cerwin Vega owner I suggest you stay away from critical listening skills a remain happy with your system. | |
Using a streamer to DAC to power amp, should I insert an integrated Yes, I would replace the amplifier with a modern Integrated. What is budget? | |
The $10,000 Question I would purchase the speakers 1st. Then identify the best integrated amp to drive them. Avoid hard to drive speakers. | |
Ultimate $10K home office system for vinyl? Threads like this can be fun. If it were me I would consider the system as 6 components, Table, arrm, cartirdge, phonostage, Integrated amplifier, and speakers. The 1st 4 could take up half the budget for an office setup. Also isolation of the TT ... | |
Finally upgrading my amp I do believe an integrated amplifier is the way to go at your budget. I assume you are using the phonostage within the Denon receiver and the CD player as a stand alone. If this is true you will need a new phonostage as well. Also, if the CD pla... | |
What next? As mentions by others herein, $2000 would make for a great improvement over use of a iphone with a purchase of a streamer/DAC. You will get a greater return on your investment in the amp and speakers. | |
Bottleneck / Upgrade Recommendations - Yamaha RVX-475 Receiver, Pro-Ject Phono Box MM @soix Yes, It just seems to me the OP didn't want to deal with the AVR. I was also thinking he wanted to go with an external DAC and phonostage. I could be wrong in my interpretation. I agree the Hegel integrateds are a good choice if wanting an i... |