Responses from mesch
What to upgrade? I have never heard a problem with free space behind the listening position. I agree with Mapman that you should experiment improving the sound of your current system prior to upgrading. You will likely increase the return on upgrade dollars spent.... | |
Advice for new Integrated amp please. I agree with Zd. Boils down to how important it is to simplify. Though the integrateds you are considering represent good value I doubt they would represent an improvement. I have heard the Triton 7s, very nice speakers. | |
I-tunes download sample rate? I RIP cds on itunes using error correction. Use AIFF file type with Pure Music playback program. | |
Tube in Preamp or Power amp? Solaris, back to your question, there are hybrid integrated amps with tube line stage and solid state amplification should you prefer to keep an integrated. I had a Vincent at one time. I am currently using a Jolida Fusion pre with a BEl 1001MK5 S... | |
It was 20 years ago today. . What was your system? As a follow-up to my previous post, I put that system together between 1982 and 1985. Kept it until 2010. Replaced the Vandys with Sound Dynamics T3i in 1995. Still have the turntable with MMT arm. | |
Who Can I send my dynakit ST-70 to for a rebuild? Thanks for the info Atmasphere. | |
Who Can I send my dynakit ST-70 to for a rebuild? Thanks for the info Atmasphere. | |
Use of footers on maple platforms Thanks Levy, I have not tried cones and may just leave things as is. As Mapman stated, 'bigger fish". | |
Which USB to S/PDIF converter with Metrum Octave? How about the audiophelio2 with a Bryston BDA-1 or BDA-2? | |
It was 20 years ago today. . What was your system? Sonograph turntable, Blue Oyster, B&K Pro 10, B&K St-140, Vandersteen IIs, Monster Reference ICs & speaker cables. | |
Upgrade from AQ King Cobra to Columbia DBS Want to thank Bo and Zd as I bought my first pair of Columbia. Looking for another. | |
Considering Bryston BDA-1 for non-USB use Dhl, thanks for the response. I purchased a BDA-1 and very much like it. I also appreciate equipment designed with a competent power supply and analog output stage (within budget) hence my interest in the BDA-1. Though the BDA-2 has a different DA... | |
Use of footers on maple platforms Thanks Geoffkait for your response. I currently do not own any cones. I only have the sorbothane vibrapads. Thought the pads where designed more to isolate vibration than to dissipate, not sure that I am right on that. I plan on getting a set of c... | |
Use of footers on maple platforms Elizabeth, no problem, I am not really that thin skinned. Hopping you are having a better day. Mapman, you are correct and I intend to do so. Just placed the maple shelves prior to posting. EMB, Thanks. A friend made the maple shelves for me. Not ... | |
Who Can I send my dynakit ST-70 to for a rebuild? Andy, great thread. Don't intend to hijack, however feel another thread on this would just confuse.Stuart, What was the cost of your project? I have a ST-70 that has been stored since the 60s. In great shape but needs new capacitors etc due to age... |