
Responses from mesch

CEC Belt Drive CD Transports vs Jay's Audio CD Transports
You are very welcome. Thanks for the wonderful feedback!  So sorry to hear for your health issues and hope things improve for you.  I also found my Jay's CD2MK3 to make an improvement in my system. I haven't put many hours on it over summer since... 
PrimaLuna EVO 100 tube DAC
See my post in response to your other thread.  The Primaluna DAC would surly make an improvement over the Wiim. The return on investment would would depend on cost and plans for the rest of your system.  
Adding tubes to integrated setup
Tube pre-amplification can be less costly than tube amplification.   My opinion, In your case the best  and least expensive way to add tubes to your system would be to replace your 801 integrated with one using tubes in the preamp stage.  Check ou... 
???What's The LEAST Expensive "End Game"Amplifier You've Ever Heard???
Well, for an 'end game' integrated within a ~$10K system I would choose the Pathos Model One MKIII which sells for $3K.     
Has anyone had success with a preamp with a Marantz PM 8006?
@rpppr Again, I agree with @tablejockey.  Your TT set-up out classes the Marantz 8006. That said, with a vinyl system TT is the most important component. Regarding the purchase of an outboard phonostage, would you consider upgrading the integrated... 
An audio component you just can't let go
I pushed the button to soon, the one component I kept from 1985 till today was a Sonograph SG3 TT with Sumiko Primier arm.   
An audio component you just can't let go
@re-lar-kvothe I owned the B&K Pro10 and ST140 for 25 years. Purchased in 1985. Drove an original pair of Vandersteen Model IIs.  The B&K combo was superb at the price point and beyond.  
Has anyone had success with a preamp with a Marantz PM 8006?
I agree with @tablejockey  however also believe assessment of the improvement to be expected relative to return on investment by purchase of an outboard phonostage would require knowing what TT, arm and cartridge is in use.    
Hegel H120 or H190
Well I am late to the show here.  That said, considering the fact that you don't listen at high volumes and have a smallish listening room I agree that you are not in need of more power than that provided by the Hegel 120. You should have no troub... 
CEC Belt Drive CD Transports vs Jay's Audio CD Transports
 congrats on your find! As an owner of the CD2MK3 I look forward to your thoughts once you have had time with yours.   
Budget integrated amp?
With a cd player and Ifi streamer, which has internal DAC I believe, he doesn't need the phonostage and DAC within the Yamaha 801. I second the recommendation of the Music Fidelity M2si.   
Integrated amp for 2500-3000
@alnubis  I believe your speakers would work better with SS amplification. The Vincent SV237MKII has that coupled with a tube based preamp stage. Vincent integrateds are know to provide a smooth presentation, with even tonal balance,  and good sou... 
Dedicated CD Transport vs DAC
I thought you purchased the LTA Areo DAC?  Aren't you also interested in the Jay's CD2MK3?  
Integrated amp for 2500-3000
How about a little more information.  Are you willing to purchase used or want a new integrated? Do you know the impedance of these speakers, size of room and loudness levels you listen at? This needed for power requirements. In general I wouldn... 
Bridged NADs vs. Rotel Ra - 1062
I have owned a couple of NAD C356BEEs, still have one. I believe them to be a good budget integrated amplifier. The C356 was preceeded by the C355 so the 356 would have less years on it. As others have indicated I would stay away from bridging am...