
Discussions mfb33 has started

NAD C 326BEE Mosfet or Bipolar32323
Marantz CD5003 or PS Audio Digital Link III32522
Adcom Detachable Power Cord29541
Mccormack DNA125 or Belles 150A Hot Rod2686840
Is a Audio Alchemy compatible with a Monarchy DIP?38322
What are the best tubes for a VTL TL 2.5 Preamp?1028811
Rotel RCD 1072 verus Channel Islands VDA•2 DAC43673
Is my Audio Alchemy DAC outdated?53596
Does amp input impedance affect the loudness22512
Is pure class A ss the equal to tubes?756721
Best Used SS Amp For VTL Preamp?43925
Output Impedance Preamp-Input Impedance Amp39857
123 Reviews All 5"s For Odyssey435813
Anyone had experience with Odyssey Stratos?35293
Best Amp For Infinity Kappa 8.1 Speakers260688