Responses from mglik
Tweaks, money pit or real value? When I think of crazy tweaks I always think of “The Crazy Little Clock”. I think the company that made that is still up to no good. However, these days, I have been turned on to super valuable tweaks by participating in this Forum. All have turn... | |
Sound Better w/Amp Directly Into Wall Then Thru Zero Surge +1 Richard at Shunyata also told me to plug my amps directly into the outlets. I am in the process of running a dedicated line. Are going gonzo with 50’ of $3K of Oyaide copper wire and Oyaide copper outlets. My only question will be if I can eli... | |
What stereo equipment do respected musicians listen to? Obviously, we refer to famous musicians and actual legends like Herbie Hancock, Ron Carter and Keith Richards… all Tetra Speakers owners. | |
Has anyone tried the Deulund-Mundorf Ultra Speaker Purifiers? Mine continue to break in and the soundstage continues to open up with pin point imaging! Am at about 130 hours. These things have, yet again, transformed my listening experience. | |
What stereo equipment do respected musicians listen to? As I said in my last post, Ron Carter is a loyal and dedicated Tetra speaker man. He and many other legends of Jazz. Herbie, Dave Holland, Winton, etc. Chech out the interesting website. Tetra Speakers is a dot com. | |
What stereo equipment do respected musicians listen to? The OP asked: "What does Wynton Marsalis listen to?". For speakers the answer is Tetra. Full disclosure, for years I was the only ATC dealer in California. Now, retired, I consult in marketing for Tetra Speakers ( dot com). It is quite true th... | |
Who actually heard the Infinity IRS? I think it is worth a trip to North Carolina! I like the model that has the subwoofer built in. Good price and no outboard sub amp. | |
Who actually heard the Infinity IRS? I have seriously considered getting Arion speakers. There is a YouTube video of a pair at a recent show that is incredibly impressive. Considering the sound of a MP4, the way the Arian’s reproduced drums was nothing short of amazing. Of the many... | |
Feel free to talk me off the ledge I have lived with Heresys. As you mentioned, that tweeter will drill a hole in your brain. You have a lot of good suggestions. But the bottom line is how the speaker performs in your room with your system. It is especially vital that your amp mat... | |
I need help regarding tube phono preamplifiers I almost bought the Zesto Andros Deluxe II. I heard the original Andros at RMAF. Even in a modest system it was my favorite sound at the show. I kept going back to that room and ended the show there. I would definitely go for the Deluxe II. It h... | |
What made you change to a 6SN7 preamp? It was said that Vintage Tube carefully tests all tubes for microphonics. Testing equipment has no way to do this. The only way is to plug the tube into your component and wait a bit. Tube sellers cannot do this. Hoarders may have the best tube... | |
What made you change to a 6SN7 preamp? The MP-1 uses 6 6SN7s and 8 12AT7s. After having microphonic issues with some 6SN7s I got lucky and got all excellent, quiet NOS Sylvania 6SN7s and great Mil spec 12AT7s for the phono stage. The improvement in SQ was dramatic and huge. Brent Jes... | |
which turntable for the future? I am a Garrard 301 fan boy. Mine is the Woodsong Audio rebuilt. But If I were to get another TT it would be the Kronos. The counter rotating flywheel is said to be the greatest innovation in TT design in decades. I am also a fan and user of a Tr... | |
Decisive moments your your audio journey Three times with my current system build up. 1. adding AGD Audion mono blocks. For the first time I heard musician’s phrasing. That is the most subtle and most profound. 2. adding a Lyra Atlas SL cartridge. The detail and imaging went threw the... | |
How does a modular and configurable center weight for turntables work? I use the Stillpoints center weight. It is about 2 pounds. It was about $300. It is much more than just a weight. It has their proprietary tech. |