Who actually heard the Infinity IRS?

I've been looking at the very high value Arion speaker and it's called to mind a vintage speaker, the Infinity IRS.  They are not the same speakers, but honestly I never actually got to even see an Infinity IRS in real life, let alone hear one.

I'm wondering if anyone has or even owns a quad (pair would be wrong) of them could talk about the sound quality and compare to anything today.


@klh007 , I had that same system, including one of a number of MC step up devices, until you mentioning the Premier 5s ( did not like tube amp bass then, nor now ); of course I did not have the IRSV. I know someone here made it very clear that Paul still has the Vs, as I indicated he retired them. What I meant to say, Paul is putting all of his efforts into the new speaker, as he has indicated on his channel. I own some product, that I consider " retired ". Hell, I am retired, lol.....I do prefer point source speakers, and panels and line source, do not do what I want. However, I was captivated by the IRS Vs, especially at the guy's home, vs the store.......they did / do some things, exceptionally well, that I deem important with a system . Enjoy ! Always, MrD.

@erik_squires, The room was large but the IRS fired into a glass bay window 10' wide, the townhome was an 1800s structure, when deep bass notes hit the floor rippled from the woofer towers, a fun ride!

I have seriously considered getting Arion speakers.

There is a YouTube video of a pair at a recent show that is incredibly impressive.

Considering the sound of a MP4, the way the Arian’s reproduced drums was nothing short of amazing. Of the many videos of that show, the Arian’s were the best. They were pushed by top line AR mono blocks.

The Arion technology using their own design AMT drivers in a line array is innovative and unique.

I wouldn’t think twice. Among the benefits, they are over 100db efficient. Get the Arions!

I have seriously considered getting Arion speakers.


I’ve not heard one but

  1. I like AMT’s in general
  2. I love line sources and
  3. The Arion speakers are incredibly underpriced for the way they are built.

Of course, listening is EVERYTHING, but it’s one of the few speakers in the price range I could take seriously.

I think it is worth a trip to North Carolina!

I like the model that has the subwoofer built in.

Good price and no outboard sub amp.