Responses from mglik
LTA Ultralinear vs SET amps The SET sound is magical-the lower the power the more magic. | |
LTA Ultralinear vs SET amps I have owned two Berning amps. Have recently replaced my Berning MicroZOTL with a Bakoon HP-1. LTA makes its version of the MZ and licensed the ZOTL circuit for all their amps.A SET is much richer than an LTA. The latter may have more detail and p... | |
Daily Record cleaning +1 for the Onzow Zerodust. The best and easiest way to clean the stylus. I use mine almost every side.+1 for Keith Monks RCM. IME, fastest and best way to deeply clean LPs. It is very satisfying to watch the nozzle vacuum up the dirty fluid | |
Is your now then? About 20 years ago for 10 years prior I adored my Quad 57s! My overall system did not compare to my current but I will always love the ESLs. I only turned away to get the dynamics of cones. Using my system every night for HT, can’t imagine the Qua... | |
Ultrasonic LP Cleaning vs. “Thread Type” Cleaning (Keith Monks/Loricraft/etc.) The Keith Monks is the original RCM. Used by Better-Records, BBC, Library of Congress, etc., etc.After decades of refinement, the KM RCMs no longer use the maintenance heavy string method. The nozzle vacuums off the dirt with a medical grade Germa... | |
Air Tight ATM-300R or Shindo Cortese 300B Can you avoid the terrible taxes by buying used? | |
So damn hard deciding which tube preamp to buy! +1 for Atma-Sphere MP-1 fully loaded. It is about $28K but about the best for vinyl. The phono stage is not merely an add on but takes up half the preamp-8 of 18 tunes (12AT7s and 6SN7s).And be sure to roll the AT7s for NOS! | |
There us a Worldwide Panic on Availability of Vacuum Tubes Some NOS tubes are hard to find. Eg.:Mullard 12AT7.And NOS WE 300B prices have become outrageous.I think people are hoarding them as precious commodities.I luckily scored 12 AT7s from a collector. The improvement over my Chinese was huge and worth... | |
More watts or better power ? +1 for Silversmith Fidelium speaker cables. They are not expensive and probably the best available at any price. A no brainer.Then as good a cartridge as you can afford. Source is critical.If your amp is not clipping, you will not benefit from mor... | |
The Miller Carbon Story For me, even an entry level TT rig surpasses digital.Sure the relative SQ is low but the physicality of the vibration of the stylus is an organic sound. | |
Power cord choice? +1 Shunyata”find a nice used Shunyata cord and be happy”. | |
AUDIO RESEARCH VS VTL I have always liked the AR chassis. Cool and solid.About Lyra cartridges, I feel very fortunate to have an Atlas SL.Unbelievable upgrade from my Myajima Shalabi. | |
List your breakthrough products that you’ve discovered on this audiophile Journey. That is an easy answer:#1-AGD Audions#2-Silversmith Fidelium speaker cables#3-Shunyata Omega qr power cord | |
Townshend platforms vs SRA platforms So, am I to understand that the Townshend platforms use some kind of spring? Think this refers to my op. Or are the Townshends actually more on the solid side? BTW-the SRA Ohio Class platforms considerably more than the Tp.Then we have the perenni... | |
Class D amps that are superior to all or most? I well remember the Spectron Musician III and II.The latter being better.It was one of the first Class D amps. It also used an analog ps.A quite large transformer. It sounded great. There were some failure issues though. And the company was a bit ... |