Responses from mglik
Power cord choice? A free flow of electrons for those last few feet is critical.I recently replaced a good $600 pc with a better $500 one and the sound must have increased by 25%+. | |
Class D amps that are superior to all or most? "Things need to be kept honest here, if not this forum would have been overrun by fusers threads."Honestly, what about the subject of this thread? | |
Townshend platforms vs SRA platforms SRA was clearly sure that any pods or feet defeat the function of their platforms. They said that the platforms are designed to work with the stock feet. Although I do use Stillpoints with my TT platform. And Ralph uses them with his preamp too.My... | |
Townshend platforms vs SRA platforms BTW-IsoAcoustics seems to be similar to Townshend. That is using rubber. | |
Townshend platforms vs SRA platforms Hi ChuckI was surely thinking of you when I posted.SRA is oriented toward end users whom are at the point of destination when ordering. In a way, this amplifies things when applied to beloved, forever components.And there is quite a difference wit... | |
Class D amps that are superior to all or most? I am saddened and bored by all these personal attack and confrontational posts. | |
Turntable isolation platform Recommendations? There is a basic and central question to vibration control devices.Springs vs SolidSpecifically let’s look at the Townshend products vs the SRA.I do not question the validity or efficacy of Townshend but question if the SRA solid isolation is bett... | |
Turntable isolation platform Recommendations? Silent Running Audio are swamped with orders.Try email Tim at silent Running Audio dot comBut be prepared to wait months. Worth it! | |
Technics SP10 MK3 Restoration Is a Technics SP10-MK III in an appropriate plinth well restored better than a Woodsong Garrard 301?I guess the question is DD or Idler drive?I enjoy the physicality, drive and PRAT of the 301. | |
The best tube poweramp. . What do you think about ? +1 Atma-SphereM-60 or MA-1Super reliable with excellent detail and tone.Believe it has more detail than VAC. | |
Turntable isolation platform Recommendations? +1 SRA-Silent Running Audio platform.Recommended to me by Ralph Karsten, my Ohio Class platform under my Woodsong Garrard 301 was transformative. The improvement in SQ was huge. SRA builds these platforms to specifically function for the component... | |
So how much do you think the placebo effect impacts our listening preferences? This reference frequently refers to alternative treatments like acupuncture or hypnosis. Acupuncture for sure and hypnosis when the subject is open to it. | |
Amplification: what are the biggest advances of the last 40 years? +1 @atmasphere The greatest innovation in amplifier technology is the fairly recent leap in Class D development that made them as smooth as tube amps. | |
So how much do you think the placebo effect impacts our listening preferences? “Expectation bias” really refers to being fooled to think that the SQ is better because of the price. | |
So how much do you think the placebo effect impacts our listening preferences? Think the parallel would be expectation bias.Certainly price has a lot to “expect”. I believe that within the line of any Audio company the price dictates the SQ. Considering diminishing returns. And, mostly, being able to point out a sweet spot.B... |