
Responses from mgreen27

Best of both worlds, Vandersteen and B&W
"From my experience, the positioning of my 2ce sigs changed the balance considerably. Have you done a bit of experimenting with the speaker tilt and positioning in general? (My apologies if you've exhausted this route)"Ultimately, you should do wh... 
Pre Amps which sound similar to "older" Conrad Johnson Tube Pre amps?
Are you doing this to fix the tweeters on your Magnepans? If you are, give them a call. Magnepan is aware that a lot of customers find their highs to be harsh. They'll give you some resistors that you put in the binding posts along with the speake... 
Pre Amps which sound similar to "older" Conrad Johnson Tube Pre amps?
Quicksilver, Audio Note, Shindo, Melos, Scientific Fidelity, EAR, Rowland, Counterpoint 
Bookshelf Speaker Recommendations
"I recently purchased a pair of B&W CDM1 SE for a steal on Craigslist, and while the treble is more detailed, they don't sound as good overall as the 602's.  I have also tried a new pair of the B&W CM series and there was a very marginal i... 
2017 may be the year for a new cartridge for my LP12
"what else should I consider?"Shelter, Dynavector, Lyra 
Best of both worlds, Vandersteen and B&W
Something's not right. I had both of those speakers and if the bass is better on the B&W's, you probably have an issue somewhere in the system. Since there can be any number of reasons for the poor performance, here's 3 links to the best Vande... 
Used Ayre amp market pricing
"I'm trying to devise a plan for fitting a taller V-5xe in into my cabinet.  The market for a V-5xe seems to be in the mid $2K range."That's a very good choice. I have 2 V-5's in my system, and even though Ayre makes newer, more expensive amps, th... 
CD Player Suggestions under $ 500
I would also consider Cambridge. The build quality is very high. If you happen to come across a used Rotel 1072 in good shape, I would buy it without hesitation. Best entry level CD player I've ever heard.  
recommendations of phono preamps < $3000 range
"Have also heard good things about Avid.... but like Sutherland/ Whest not many US dealers"Cable Company sells Sutherland, so as long as you are in the US getting a demo won't be a problem. I'm not sure if they sell Whest. 
VPI paper alignment jig
"I gave them the serial number and VPI stepped up to the plate and is sending me a "no cost" metal jig zero dollars!  They didn't even ask for shipping!"I thought that might me the case. VPI is an excellent company, but they have a lot of ... 
Price increase
"The original N802 was a groundbreaking design with the boat tail cabinet and curvaceous polished Marlan head on top. The speakers are still stylish 17 years later. At the 5000.00 dollar price point they are still competitive with new speakers"I... 
Mark Levinson 326s vs BAT Rex Series 1 preamps
"That is what I thought. I have heard that the Bat Rex makes the Levinson stuff sound small and restricted. "That's actually a really good way of putting it. There's nothing wrong with the Levinson. Its well made and sounds good, but sonically its... 
Price increase
"This is just not true. Nowadays, Audiogon has about 150-200 listings a day in their New Today category (185 right now). 10 years ago that number was 250-400 listings under New Today. As the price of the ads has gone up, the number of ads has gone... 
recommendations of phono preamps < $3000 range
I would go with the Sutherland. Cable Company is a dealer. I'm sure they can send you a demo. 
Recommend a SS amp for my new Vandersteen Quatro CT
I didn't know your ARC was wasn't stock. Steve from GNSC now works for Resolution Audio. Maybe contact him and find out exactly what was done to it. He'll give you an honest assessment as to how good the preamp is with the mods added to it.