
Responses from mgreen27

Opinions on Quicksilver Valve Linestage Preamp
Anthem is a different brand. It was owned by SF but the products are completely different. I would go with the QS over an Anthem.  
Jeff Rowland or Proceed amps, anyone feel like the bass is a little rolled off?
You need a better amp, not necessarily a bigger amp. Either way, no 2 companies rate amp power the same way, so its hard to compare. A huge step up would be an Ayre V-5. If you feel that you need more power, you can just get a 2nd one and do a ver... 
looking for PS Audio Power Plant Premier to demo / purchase in Seattle area
The Cable Company has those to lend out. 
Lots of knobs might cause more repair chance
Your friend has a point, but in my opinion its not that big of a deal. Knobs (Pots) have a tendency to wear and/or get dirty. When this happens, you'll hear a crunching type of static noise. In most cases, the pots can be cleaned and the problem w... 
Mark Levinson 326s vs BAT Rex Series 1 preamps
"I watch a lot of movies and like the idea of not burning 18 tubes in pass thru mode BUT what am I giving up sonically if I go to the 326s?"You'll be giving up music. If you install the 326 in your system, within the first 10 seconds of listening ... 
Opinions on Quicksilver Valve Linestage Preamp
There's no such thing as a Sonic Frontiers Pre 1L. Are you sure its not an SFL1? If it's an SFL1, I would definitely take it over the NAD or QS. 
Floor Protection Discs
"I have seen quarters used with great success. I realize they are 25 times as expensive of that of the pennies."Did it ever occur to you that not everyone has that kind of money to through around? Besides, quarters only sound better if you cryo th... 
VPI paper alignment jig
"I assume at this point the METAL ADJUSTABLE alignment jig I've see in the VPI set up video is a $60 option worth paying for."It is worth buying but I would call VPI first. Both of my VPI TT's came with the metal tool. 
Used Ayre amp market pricing
"I might try an inexpensive V-3 that has a height of 5.5"."There's a very big difference between the V-3 and the V-5. Have a look at listing lis7gccg. Its for a pair of Pass Aleph 0 mono amps. I used to have a pair. If you are able to work with th... 
12 ft pair of thick speakers cables?? Can they be cut downt to a 6 ft pair??
"Are there outside services companies that will do it for a reasonable price??. "Try Acoustic Zen first, and if they can't call The Cable Company. "Do banana plugs or spades seriously degrade sound quality of speaker cable??   Or, is that just a... 
Floor Protection Discs
Just put a penny under each spike. You probably won't be able to hear a difference between that, and a more expensive option. 
1st speaker considerations: Odyssey Lorelei, Meadowlark Shearwater, Spatial M3 Turbo S
"Have any of you heard the Meadowlark and Odyssey speakers, and can compare the two?"I only listen to time and phase correct speakers, so the Meadowlark is the obvious choice. An even better setup would be a pair of Vandersteen Model !'s paired wi... 
Recommend a SS amp for my new Vandersteen Quatro CT
"I have an ARC LS-15.  Along with the 100.2 it is a little long in the tooth but still a good performer."Keep your 100.2 for now and get the best preamp you can afford. Its the most important piece to get right, and will make a bigger difference t... 
Used Ayre amp market pricing
"cedargrover: The V-5xe is listed in the AudioGon Blue Book, but too tall for my use. I think I saw a VX-5 Twenty listed at Audio Mart for $6400. I hope the VX-5 is less pricey -- presumably it's an older model".   "The V-5 was replaced by the VX-...