
Responses from michaelvv

Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Hi Regismc , how big uF is the decoupling caps in your pre-amp ?? In mine where i'm using V-Cap CuFT 400+ hour they are only 0.1 uF , which gives me a quite fair price..I still don't have the V-Caps in my mono 6c33 , but i'm very happy with my Cla... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Hi VolleyGuy a good friend of mine , who have the exact same speakers like yours , the V-cap Cuft has burned for about 400+ hours in his pre-amp and the total result is just amazing.We have almost the same amps and after the long time on the V-cap... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Have tried the Jensen Copper Alu Case in a similar RIAA as I have and even after 75 hours the result was the same.Dull Dull and more Dull. This is a quality PIO and i am so disappointed. I know my ref is V-Cap CuFT but i have expected more from th... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
The wait is over.. 400+ hours on V-Cap CuFT in my pre-amp and they are amazing. There is absolute nothing "cold" in them , and the music , timing has really chocked me.I hear things in recording which for 3 month ago wasn't there.So to all who wan... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Volleyguy , yes indeed this is a awful long time.My friends pre-amp should be about 330-350 hours by now. Hopefully next weekend we'll be able to check at 400 hours.My pre-amp is now at 220 hours , the 250+ hours set i waslistening at was not mine... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Hi RegismcGlad you tried the Alexander from Duelund , we're missing a review upon these caps. I and a couple of friends did a listening session with the guy who had build my amps. He was in total chock over what a different a 250+ hours V-CAP CuFT... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
HI Regismc , I am listening to a pair of 6c33 mono's right now. The have the V-CAP CUFT 0.022 uF in each and they are playing fantastic. Be Aware they need a lot of break-in time these monos has been playing with the caps for 168 hours right now. ... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Hi Face , is it still posible that you want to send me the diagram over your HPD-385A crossover. http://www.polkaudio.com/forums/showthread.php?t=65991&page=2Can not find anything serious on the internet to bypass the switches.Thanks Michael 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
V-Cap CuFT update.Yesterday a friend of mine and I had a listening session to celebrate the +125 hours on this Teflon babies.I borrow his pre-amp +190 hours , and modified 6c33 monos +125 hour , and we started the show.We was playing om mine modif... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Duelund , thanks for this info. When i have finish the break-in on my V-CAP CuFT i will decide what should go into my Tannoys HPD-385A.How big is the difference between your VSF-cu and the CAST-cu ???/Best Michael 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
DuelundI was talking to Kasper at rabu-acoustics.dk and asked him , If i wish to buy a pair of CAST-Duelund 1.5 uF would the listed prices be the right ones. And he could not say that for sure before he have checked up with "Duelund".But this rais... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Hi Kees , thanks for a great update on the caps magic. What do you think on this review http://jimmyauw.com/2010/08/16/battle-of-three-capacitors/ . I think in his opinion the duelund CAST is a lot better than the jensen you have testet. 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
DuelundHave your heard the V-Cap CuFT after a valid break-in time , properly 400+ hours.We are 3 different persons here in Denmark who are doing it right now , not 400+ hours yet.I would like to use your caps for my tannoy HPD-385a , but at the ti... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Hi Volleyguf , just want to know where is it located the 2.5 mh on the original crossover type AA. Just to be sure i change the correct one.Teflon takes time to break-in , yesterday listening to my friends pre-amp + monos also 6c33 , they now have... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Hi Volleyguy which inductor should i change , i got new 2.5 mH vax coil yesterday. Imagine this layout below as the Klipsch AA crossover. I - for inductor , C - for Caps Ia 2uF_C 2uF_C 13uF_C Ib [Input from Amp] Ic Taken from http://www.critesspea...