Responses from mickeyb
Need a new integrated, what say you? Go with a cayin h80a hybrid integrated. It’s pure class A up to 80wpc. It has 2 preamp tubes so easy to tailor the sound to your preference. I’ve heard one running 2 Uber high end focals and it was awesome. The best thing is you might be able to f... | |
Integrated for TAD ME1: Luxman, Accuphase or Soulnote? Pure class A with tad. They love current. Fantastic speakers. | |
Klipsch Heresy vs Forte Had them both. Forte is a much better speaker. | |
Still looking for a new Moving Coil Cartridge Ortofon black mm with that technics. You will be blown away. | |
Why would someone feel the need to comment unpleasant things on sale posts Bots creating chaos. Get used to it. Have thick skin. | |
Sugden Amps See if you can find a cayin h80a hybrid amp. Yes it’s chifi but it’s very well built and only has 2 tubes in the preamp stage. Probably won’t bust the pocket book used as well. | |
I Am Not an Audio Snob I love audio snobs! Keep it up | |
Bought a system without auditioning, thoughts? The only part I question is the pass with the fortes. My experience with the heritage line is that they sound best with tubes. Who knows though. You’ve got great stuff and it might be a match in heaven. Have fun finding out. cheers | |
After a long, long sleep: ML-335 By a proper voltage variac on Amazon for 100$. Do what everyone else suggested powering it up. You should be ok. | |
Gary Wright has passed away “Oooh oooh shaved beaver, I think you can get me through the night”. We used to ad lib that song. Take her easy Gary. | |
What was your first record? Boston- self titled. I was 8 yrs old. Blew my mind. never heard a guitar sound like that. | |
Best way to clean glossy finish on speakers? Pledge. For god sakes don’t use alcohol! | |
Affordable SS that sound like Tubes Look into a hybrid integrated amp. The cayin h80a is class A, dual mono and has 2 pre amp tubes. Very well built, sounds great and could be had in the 2k range used. Tube rolling is east because you only have the 2 pre amp tubes to roll and you ca... | |
Amp to pair with Dahlquist DQ30i speakers Grab a cayin h80a integrated if you can find one. They’re 80 wpc class a bumping up to around 150wpc in class a/b. Fantastic sounding tube hybrid and should be able to find in the 2k range. | |
Robbie Robertson has passed away :-( “Once we’re brothers “ is a great biopic. His last album sinematic has that song on it. Very moving. I’m deeply saddened by his passing but eternally grateful I’m alive during this era to appreciate him. Rip Robbie. |