Responses from middlemass
What if any, is the difference between a band or a group? With all due respect...nothing. It's just interchangeable terminology. | |
Top Audiophile companies over the last 60, or so, years..your choices? Using the following parameters: " "top" means that there is no sour taste in my mouth from the time I made the purchase to the time I sold it, and I’d consider buying the same brand again solely based on how much I enjoy the ownership." In chronol... | |
Your favorite album cover... Have to modify the question to scariest album cover of all time. "In the Court Of The Crimson King." Scared the crap out of me in 1970. Still does. | |
RIP - Aretha Franklin Just heard about John Lennon! Such a tragedy. | |
REVEL performa3 f208 or TEKTON Moab Them is fightin' words.Cue MC... | |
What Was Your Favorite “Game Changer” Moment? "In The Year 2525..." | |
THIS GUY TAKES VINYL TO ANOTHER LEVEL! Fremer is a piece of work. A kindred spirit in terms of his love for vinyl...personality-wise, well that's another story. His verbal battles with Arthur are legendary. Cracks me up every time. | |
Name the most recent album that has shaped your musical world Not recent. 1974 I purchased from the local Peaches an import record before actually hearing anything on it (did that a lot in those days.) Fripp & Eno – ... | |
Whats on your turntable tonight? Funk Firm Achromat | |
Does Power Cord Require Burn-In To Sound Good? "It could also be, that the very air in the room, requires a burn in period. "Now that is funny!OP, had a similar experience when I tried to replace Cardas Quadlink interconnects with the "new and improved" Parsec. The Parsec was clearly inferior ... | |
Bob Dylan sells his complete songwriting catalog! Never was a fan of Bud Dolan but good for him. | |
Floored by Beatles "White Album" Reissue By far my favorite Beatles Album. Tried to ask about these on a non-audiophile forum and got nowhere. I don't care about pressing quality, noise, etc. All I want to know is this: which vinyl version has the best SOUND quality, irrespective of pres... | |
Hegel h590 or Accuphase e460 with Harbeth 40.3 Thanks for the info...had no idea about the 40.3! Wouldn't be the first time I've missed a road sign :-) | |
Hegel h590 or Accuphase e460 with Harbeth 40.3 Are you time travelling? When did Harbeth come out with the 40.3? | |
Death Of A Tube Amp (A Short Story) I like to be light-hearted but this post is extremely disturbing. And I'm dead serious this time. |