Responses from mihorn
Where was the best reproduced sound you ever heard? I think this can be the best sound reproduced audio system. Alex/Wavetouch audio Original music | |
What affects front to back depth in room/ system? magnuman mihorn, I wish you would have named the system that that singer is singing on it sounds very natural even through my phone I can hear how nice it is. My system consists Oppo 95 (modded), Bakoon int. amp (modded), and Wavetouch audio s... | |
What affects front to back depth in room/ system? OP The depth behind the speakers is great, just not much in front of them- unless it’s one of those songs that has a part where it has that inverted phase trick. Then it washes over me. I want that all the time. I guess you are talking about t... | |
Advice needed: It's time for a new DAC OP I have a bit of a fuzzy center image In my experience, unless you find the natural sound system like the right speaker in the below video, the fuzzy/empty center image is impossible to avoid. All audio systems sound unnatural and fuzzy/empty... | |
What is meant exactly by the description 'more musical'? The good musical system makes me emotional like tap my feet, make me sing, imagine what a singer intends with the music, etc. The good sound system makes me awe to the sound. The great audio system should satisfy both aspects of sounds. Alex/WTA | |
What would your "perfect speaker" sound like. mahgister Mine is a mix if i can judge between shkong78 too bright sound through youtube and milhorn too dark sound through youtube ... i will keep mine ...😁😊 I apologize i could not resist Every ears are different. No need for apology. Thanks ... | |
What would your "perfect speaker" sound like. shkong78 Your description of perfect sound fits my system. Original music His description fits my system too. Alex/WTA | |
High End System Building. How important is the matching, cabling and room? Thoughts ? jayctoy Cables are very important in matching from digital , pc to speaker cables. In my opinion, if audio cables are made properly, all cables sound the original music and cable matching is not needed. However, all cables are not made properly... | |
What use to burn in power cords? Put a new power cord in your power amp and leave it on for 3 days. Then the PC is 99.9% burned-in and the sound won't get better after that. Alex/WTA | |
High End System Building. How important is the matching, cabling and room? Thoughts ? calvinj OP @mihorn nice sound I can hear it some through your clip. I love the system I have. Listening preferences play a part as well. I got it. I was just saying, for your room, you could put a plug (sound-wave guide) on speaker drivers to... | |
High End System Building. How important is the matching, cabling and room? Thoughts ? calvinj OP @mihorn. The system you have should also,have the sound signature you want as well. Equipment with a warmer sound signature ain’t gonna work for me regardless of set up. I like a small amount of warmth and a bit more detail. I have... | |
High End System Building. How important is the matching, cabling and room? Thoughts ? calvinj OP @mihorn i have a difficult room. High ceilings. My speakers can only be so far apart. I have a window to the left. That's why the sound must sent to the listener rather than send to walls, floor and the ceiling. **80% left side of... | |
High End System Building. How important is the matching, cabling and room? Thoughts ? The room acoustic matters a lot because the speaker cone is angled and sending sounds to walls rather than to the listener. Change the direction of sounds to the listener (easy to do). Then the room acoustic doesn't matter much. Alex/WTA | |
Is it important to long demo or own HIGH END gear to have a fair accurate view about it? One should listen Youtube videos of live recordings before demo any audio equipment. All audio equipment are unnatural sound and human ears trick us always. That’s why even seasoned audiophiles can’t be confident about an audio sound and they keep... | |
Logical next step from Legacy Signature SEs? Around $15K... cleeds YT is lossy audio and whenever I’ve used it as a source in my main system it sounds like it. I think it’s useless That is the character of your system. In my system, I am satisfied with YT SQ. Below is sound comparison of Flac vs. YT in ... |