

Discussions mijostyn has started

Usher R 1.5, Can This Amp Be For Real?44625
The Mutech RM Kanda Hyabusa811137
Diamond Stylus Enters the 4th Dimension317439
By popular demand.143020
Reed 5T Opinions466630
Nobsound Record Clamp30806
What are Your Favorite and Most hated Record Manufacturers 433242
Kate Bush Mastered for Vinyl 1, 2, 3 and 4.13349
The Expressimo Tonearm Lift by Analog Artisan (Brian Calaio)15761
An Epiphany 31728
The Who (Deluxe)204919
Do any of these interest you at all? (If you had the money)(Which I don't)375937
Mag Lev Turntable. Your Thoughts?2038132
Sound Labs Wins!380410
Saw Brian Ferry Last Night!256814