Responses from milpai
Ordered my new amp today... been a long road! why would i keep a piece that doesnt work in a system Because someone said you should :-) Just kidding.Enjoy your A21+. | |
Terrible Booms @stani19,Good to know that your problems are resolved. And it is a WIN that you can keep your D40R. I don't know how to insert photos of the system to show it ... if this is possible tell me how to do! The best way to do this is to create a "syst... | |
Terrible Booms @soundsrealaudio,I own the newer D48R and while 20Hz is too ambitious a claim, these speakers go down easily to close to 25Hz. Example is "Fading Sun" from Tejre Isungset's album "Winter Songs". I would suggest OP to rather scale down to the ProAc... | |
Ordered my new amp today... been a long road! @captbeaver ,I am sure you will love the A21+. The A21 as such is a phenomenal amp.I see someone mention that the A21 had "little or no soundstage and muddled up the highs ". Looks like something is not right either with that particular piece th... | |
Proac D30RS vs. Spendor Classic 1/2 (or maybe Harbeth SHL5+)? I have heard both - the D30RS and D48R. I own the D48R because I had the room for it. It is in a completely league compared to the D30RS. And it better be - for the price and size. That said, if you cannot provide breathing room for the D48R, then... | |
Terrible Booms @stani19,I don't think that your room is an issue. But your speaker placement might be. I have a pair is D48R in similarly sized room and don't have any boom. How close are your speakers to the walls on the side and behind? I have them on granite ... | |
what would you do? @labguy,What is your room size? And same questions like elizabeth asked. The 208 are front ported. So bass can be tamed using corner treatments. And why did you go with the 208s if your room was smaller? Why did you not pose the question on this f... | |
Experience with Inakustik 3500P Power Conditioner?? @tenchi,Good to know that they responded.So what are your thoughts about this conditioner? Any experience with other power conditioners? BTW, welcome to Audiogon! | |
backert vs sachs preamp @majorc,Stop reading @atmasphere comments. I too had a passive (TCV) and he (along with my dealer and @almarg) convinced me go to an active and that too a tube unit! Just kidding, but I love the Backert Labs. I always felt that actives are not as ... | |
Experience with Inakustik 3500P Power Conditioner?? @tenchi,Did you not get a manual with the unit? What does that say?I have placed an order for this unit and it is expected sometimes next month. But really surprised that you had to come here to ask this. Either the documentation or the support on... | |
Why do contributors delete their own posts? Because they can. | |
Need a preamp? @jaferd,How are the dynamics with the Sys? | |
Spendor D7, D9 but no love Classic 100? @three_easy_payments,You are welcome. I spent about 16 hours in the last 1 year to come to a final position that I currently have. The problem with big speakers is moving them and then spiking them. My wife helps me if I have to remove/attach the ... | |
Need a preamp? @jaferd,I have the Parasound A21 with my Backert Labs tube preamp. | |
Spendor D7, D9 but no love Classic 100? @three,Congratulations on the new D7s. Excellent speakers. Don't be in a hast to "break them in". Just enjoy them as-is and the music as well. Take efforts to place them correctly in the room and you will be superbly rewarded. |