Responses from mingles
preamp help Are there better options for about the same price? Not that I'm aware of. I think it will be hard to find a better sounding phono stage for $300. | |
Wright Sound WPP specs please When I owned a WPP100c, I was using a passive preamp (Bent TVC) and the sound was wonderful. It was incredibly open with an outstanding three dimensional soundstage. I can't offer any comparisons with an active linestage b/c I didn't have one at t... | |
preamp help It's common for cd players to have more output voltage than phono stages. Actually, this is almost always true, which translates into cds being louder at lower volume than your TT. If the voltage from your phono preamp is too low, you'll hear more... | |
Amp recommendation for Alon IV Early model Hurricanes seemed like an experiment rather than a finished product. Every one I've seen has a sagging top chassis plate because the sheet metal they used was too thin to support those enormous transformers. The new models were complet... | |
preamp help If you look at Jolida's on-line store, the JD9 MKII isn't listed. I don't think it's been released yet. The original JD9 is significantly better than the Bellari. They aren't even close comparisons. I hate to be negative, but I've owned lots of bu... | |
Amp recommendation for Alon IV Cary SLI-80 integrated would be an excellent choice if you don't play at ear shattering volume. It has 80 watts in ultralinear and 40 in triode mode. Jolida JD1000RC integrated would also be good. It's rated at 100 watts. Rogue Stereo 90 would be ... | |
Wright Sound WPP specs please Google brings up a few references to the WPP120, but no concrete info. I wonder if this is a typo that turned into rumor. The Way Back Machine can help find old information that's lost when a web site goes down. I don't see any reference to WPP120... | |
Wright Sound WPP specs please The WPP100C and WPP200C have identical specs: 60 db gain (adjustable)Input impedance: 47KOutput impedance: 2KThe only other standalone phono preamp George made was the Phono AG. I don't have the specs for that, but I bet it was similar to the 100c... | |
Wyred DACS I am especially sensitive and irritated by upper mid/lower treb sibilance and glare. When I hear that, regardless of its various phenomena, the enjoyment of music collapses into annoyance and avoidance. I couldn't agree more. Glare and sibilance a... | |
I need help with my Equipment addiction Excellent post Rebbi. | |
DQ-10 crossover upgrade? The inductor values are: L1 1.27 mHL2 1.27 mHL3 .8 mHL4 .2 mHL5 .5 mH | |
DQ-10 crossover upgrade? You'll find the DQ-10 schematic at Yahoo Dahlquist group. Here are the cap values for later models: C1 80 uFC2 16 uFC3 6.5 uFC4 6.5 uFC5 6.5 uFC6 8.5 uFC7 .1 uFC8 .15 uFEarly models were slightly different: C1 80 uF C2 16 uF C3 8.2 uF C4 8.2 uF C5... | |
$500-$1000 to spend on a used CD player without being able to listen to the Oppo I would be nervous about purchasing it new sight unseen.FWIW, the Oppo should be easy to sell if you don't like it. The 83 and 83SE both have incredible resale value. The only thing you risk losing is not b... | |
AES AE-3 Mk II - is it phase inverting? The best person to ask is Gerald Walsh: gerald@caryaudio.comCary Audio Design1020 Goodworth Dr.Apex, NC 27539919-355-0013 Ext 105919-355-0010 Fax It looks like the AES website has been abandoned. Maybe they're folding operations back into Cary. If... | |
how to clean brushed aluminum faceplate? IME, Windex is great for finger print type stains, but totally ineffective for dark gooey stuff. It just smears it around. Goof Off is amazing for these kind of problems. If you follow it with Windex your stain should be history. |