Responses from mingles
alon II Mark II I don't know what Carl charges for Alnico drivers, but it won't be cheap. An alternative is to have your woofers rebuilt by Bill LeGall at Millersound: http://www.millersound.net/about.htmmillerspkr@aol.com1.215.412.7700He's a master at this. I've... | |
Looking for guidance with older VPI HW-19 tables Mark and Frogman, thank you for the detailed info! I really appreciate your replies. How does the Scout compare to the MKIV? Is the JMW-9 arm equal to, better than, or inferior to the Hadcock GH228? Buying a table that's ready to go out of the box... | |
Not getting enough volume with my new MM cartridge For what it's worth, the P5 tonearm is an RB700. | |
Looking for guidance with older VPI HW-19 tables If you had a choice to mount a Hadcock GH228 on a VPI HW-19 MKIV with heavy TNT platter OR a Scheu Eurolab Premier, which would you choose? The Scheu is a little more expensive than the MKIV. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. | |
Not getting enough volume with my new MM cartridge Rick, if the cartridge is indeed defective, you'll have to work with the vendor you bought it from. Depending on their warranty and return policy, you might not be able to switch to a different cartridge. The Exact is supposed to be very good, but... | |
What cartridges under $800 outperform DL-103R? I'm having trouble with one of my amps, so a report is going to take longer than I hoped. | |
looking for interconnect under 200 dollars Cables aren't going to create a nice soundstage with tight bass and decent midrangeSpeakers, amp, preamp, and source create this. Anyone who tells you that cables will magically transform your system is smoking crack. I haven't heard any *dramatic... | |
Phono pre amp It's worth experimenting with this, but I'll bet anything you'll be missing some midbass and low end. In this situation, you're essentially running your phono stage as a passive preamp. Even if you ideally match the output impedance of your phono ... | |
Not getting enough volume with my new MM cartridge This doesn't make sense. The Exact has an output of 6.8-7.2mV which is one of the highest I've heard of. As others have suggested, double check the wiring. Follow Rega's guide: http://www.rega.co.uk/downloads/Exact.pdfHave you done any troubleshoo... | |
Overhang for Ortofon 2M Bronze on Rega RB301 Bob, bite the bullet and get a Mint Tractor. Not only will you hear a difference, but you'll be able to put the issue to rest and know it's done correctly. | |
the grills I keep them off, but I can't hear a difference either way. | |
What cartridges under $800 outperform DL-103R? 01-04-09: NrenterMingles,Have you received you Soundsmith retipped 103R potted in an ebony body? I want to hear about it.I have the cartridge and mounted it, but haven't had any time to listen to it due to the holidays. I promise to report back wh... | |
Looking for guidance with older VPI HW-19 tables I really appreciate everyone's response. I'm still in exploratory mode right now, but the HW-19 Mk 4 is on my radar. The big unknown is how I'll mount the Hadcock. It has an unusual pivot to stylus distance of 228 mm. Most 9" arms are 222. If I go... | |
Greatful Dawg; Jerry Garcia & Dave Grisman The Pizza Tapes are fantastic. If you haven't heard the story behind the name:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Pizza_TapesStephane Grappelli and David Grisman Live is also great. | |
Rega tonearm for Microseiki table? Russ, have you swapped arms yet? How did it go? |