Responses from missioncoonery
B&W 801 vs 803s I stand behind my original statement, 803D>1037be. I wouldnt want either!...I thought the original post was about 801N/803N not the diamond series?? Palermo100,do yourself a big big favor and go listen to speakers.You may find better speakers ... | |
B&W 801 vs 803s All is all I like the 803D much better because most of my music is hard rock.. Your ears must be burned out..Ive never heard anyone choose B&W over Focal...or Wilson | |
B&W 801 vs 803s Yea, we all know the old story "Abbey road uses B&W"..Seems to be the only battle cry for the product ..IMO, I agree with James63 & Stringreen ..Much better speakers out there,go listen before ya buy!!! | |
MIT Shotgun Question. Cables are listener and system dependent.It's that simple and not disputable OK, we got it!!Thanks for the continuous great imput.We all benefit. | |
Anti Cables to join my system, are they enough? If you're not happy with them THEN go blow a wad of dough. You dont have to if you buy used on this site,great deals everywhere | |
MIT Shotgun Question. Cables are listener and system dependent.It's that simple. I wish I had your knowledge & insight | |
MIT Shotgun Question. The MIT Shotgun speaker cables would be the biggest improvement you could make, even more so than the IC's..I agree,unless running MIT speaker cables your limiting your system | |
How would you compare Ayre to Parasound? Before buying any Parasound product especially the JC1 amps read all the reviews about build issues ..Well documented in this forum.Given your short list..Ayre is a no brainer | |
Can anyone help? I personally know 2 owners of JC1 amps, or I should say ex owners..Both had similar problems and very little customer service support fixing the problems..When I was in the process of buying a new amp Parasound wasnt on my list because of build is... | |
Anti Cables to join my system, are they enough? I borrowed speaker and IC cables about a year ago to try and thought they fell short of anything I would want in my system..I guess at the price point there OK but certainly not in the same league as other cables Ive used | |
Audio Research Ref 5 preamp Kurt_tank... You maybe too late on that one..most who do the merry-go-round with ARC gear have already stepped up and dumped the 3.. | |
DAC advice I like the Arcam as well,call me crazy..Ive demoed other dacs with it and heard nothing worth spend $$$ on.. You will have to spend more than 3 grand on a player to hear an upgrade IMO...I have to agree w/above poster ..dump the Mac | |
Used tubes question but buy stock factory brand new tubes IMO ,I totally disagree..Ive bought tons of used tubes on ebay with no issues.Mullards,Seimens etc etc,Seems rather silly to spend twice the money from a tube broker or buy inferior "new" tubes when the real ... | |
Upgrading from Wilson Sophia 2's? Enjoying them for the most part, but they can sound aggressive and make mediocre recordings sound like crap and be somewhat fatiguing. IMO,thats why alot of folks shy away from Wilson.Tons of speakers out there..Only you can decide what works for ... | |
Has anyone ever switched to Harbeth Taters ..I own Dynaudio,never owned Harbeths but have listened to the line on a few occasions, 40.1 the most recent.I personally dont think Dynaudio has a "house sound" as stated by the above poster,very neutral which is one of their strenghts.I s... |