
Discussions mitch2 has started

Suggestions for CD player $2-3k used?1105120
Your favorite Summertime Top Down Cruising music?524911
Aerial 9B's for sale?33497
Is balanced necessarily better?2869026
Anyone listened to Aerial 9's?769421
Has anyone compared the Muse 3 Signature preamp...49262
Need help with tube linestage-SF vs ARC vs Others1078218
Good In-Ceiling Speakers??47298
Outboard crossover box location??45508
Help needed, CD/DVD-A player, future of DVD-A???24021
Comparison: Cardas Neutral Ref vs. Goertz MI2 or 377478
Best method for 2 sets of speakers from 1 system?74863
Preamp Options-Classe,Muse,SF,BAT,Adcom57885
Why upgrade transport???466710
Digital Filter Needed for Assemblage DAC34112