Responses from mofimadness
Crisp sounding tubes for Modwright 5400ES I wasn't aware that Create made a 5AR4 tube? They have the 6SN7 and the 12AT/AU/AX7's, but I've never seen a 5AR4 by them.Here is a website that sells them: | |
Crisp sounding tubes for Modwright 5400ES Mullard 5AR4 rectifierShuguang/Psvane CV-181T/Z for the 6SN7's.Plenty of info here: | |
Any good quality DAC in $300-400 price range? The Schiit BiFrost is supposed to be excellent. I haven't heard it, but I've read alot about it. It runs new $449 with USB input. | |
Cartridge Upgrade for Rega P-25 Table I have a couple of Denon 103D's that SoundSmith redid. I also have a Zu Audio/Denon 103 currently on my Oracle Delphi MKIV.I did try one on the P25, but really didn't like it that much. I can't remember why? Maybe just a poor match or maybe it was... | |
Cartridge Upgrade for Rega P-25 Table I have a fully modified/upgraded P25 and have used many different cartidges, all with pretty good success. You say no price range, so it's kind of hard to narrow down. I'll list my suggestions from expensive on down:Lyra Delos (overkill for this t... | |
Can 10W 300B tube amp drive Martin Logan Ascent i? Agree with the above. I was a ML dealer for a long time and the Ascent i's will eat that little 10 watter for lunch. If you listen at VERY low levels, it will work. | |
Idol fans weigh in I'd rather watch paint dry. | |
Anyone heard Glenn Frey's New Album, After Hours? I got this on Tuesday when it was released. I've listened to it several times through and agree. Glenn has an excellent, (but aging voice). The songs he choose to cover, work well with his talent.This album reminds me of the first Michael McDonald... | |
Rita Wilson-"AM/FM" While listening to this again, (and liking it even more), I was sure I recognized some of the duet and back-up vocals. Sure enough, helping her on this album are: Chris Cornell, Sheryl Crow, Jimmy Webb, Jackson Browne, Faith Hill, Vince Gill, and ... | |
Got Noise? Mark,It could also be something coming into the preamp. I would unhook everything from the preamp except the AC power cord and the output cables to the amp. This would be like starting from square one.If you hear any noise, it is either the cables... | |
Components that you regret parting with? conrad-johnson Premiere Three preampVendetta Research phono stageTechnics EPA500 tonearm | |
Got Noise? Mark, have you tried unhooking everything from the amp except the AC power cable and speaker cables. That would eliminate all but the amp and the AC power into it.I have heard that the KWA150's can be a little noisy, but from the transformers as a... | |
Best Rock Album in 2012 Richard_stacy,Thanks for the Hiss Golden Messenger-"Poor Moon" recommendation. I had never heard of them. Called the album up on MOG and am really liking it. Need to order the CD I guess. | |
Thoughts on Amperex PQ tubes Shakedown...great choice of preamps! I really liked my SWL9.0SE Signature, (I have since upgraded to the Modwright LS100). Unless Dan changed something, you can't use anything but a 5687 tube, (or variant) in this unit. If you are talking about th... | |
Thoughts on Amperex PQ tubes Excellent tubes. I have quite a few of these in my collection and have always thought highly of them. Of course, it really depends on the device/circuit they are used in. Try some and see. |