

Responses from mofimadness

Those kind of sound like the infamous "White Van" speakers. 
Do any amps have 6 ohm taps for 6 ohm impedance?
Okay, "most" solid state amps do not use taps. 
Do any amps have 6 ohm taps for 6 ohm impedance?
Only tube amps use "taps". Solid state amps do not. Any well built SS amp will work well with your speakers. 
Skiing Ninja Magnepan 1.6 xover upgrade
Here's a new review of this xover mod by Tone Audio:http://www.tonepublications.com/gear/get-more-life-from-your-magnepan-1-6s/ 
The Last Breakthrough in Speaker Technology
Actually, Roger Sanders invented the curved electrostatic panel.http://www.sanderssoundsystems.com/index.php/about-us-mainmenu-68Martin Logan did bring it market successfully. 
Preamp predicament
I agree with Ghstudio about the speakers. The Super Zeros are a little on the bright side.If your budget for whatever is around $300, look for a pair of Spica TC-50 speakers and really enjoy... 
High Quality Fuses: Real Gains?
I have been a naysayer all along about the effects that upgraded fuses would have. Well, that's about to change.I am going to try one of the Furutech fuses in my new preamp. I have done quite a bit of research and was going to try one of the HiFi ... 
Rega P5 platter upgrade
The Funk Firm platter is not acrylic, it's a softer surface with bubbles. See the Funk Firm website:http://www.thefunkfirm.co.uk/plat.htmI have one and loved it until I upgraded the subplatter to the Deep Groove model. The Achroplat then would not... 
Berkeley Audio Design SPDIF Input
I think this is what you need. I have a couple of these on my DACs and they work quite well.http://www.google.com/products/catalog?sourceid=navclient&oq=&rlz=1T4DMUS_enUS305US305&q=RCA+to+BNC+adapters&um=1&ie=UTF-8&cid=1054... 
Snell Type K loudspeaker ?
Sorry, wrong link above. Try this one:http://www.brilliancehifi.co.uk/how-to-bi-wire-speakers.htm 
Snell Type K loudspeaker ?
One way or the other. Jumpers on BOTH speakers or no jumpers on BOTH speakers. You can always use short pieces of wire or even a paper clip for temporary jumpers. Just make sure you connect the (2) RED posts together and the (2) BLACK posts togeth... 
Snell Type K loudspeaker ?
"Is this some type of homemade jumper"?Yes. You can either remove this jumper and bi-wire the speakers or buy any number of jumper plates/wires and single wire them. Cardas has both:http://www.cardas.com/content.php?area=oem&content_id=13&... 
Bi wiring?
Correct, that would be bi-"amping", not bi-wiring. You would still need some way to control the outboard amp. Either level controls on the amp itself or an outboard crossover. Since the power ratings are so different, you'll need to balance them o... 
Just ordered Odyssey Stratos Extreme
I have owned almost every version of the Odyssey Stratos and really liked them all. They are very well built and sound and perform way above their price points. Klaus is easy to work with...just watch out for his "salesmanship". Seems like you alw... 
Hooking up Paradigm speakers to Denon amplifier
Here's a great picture and explanation on bi-wiring:http://www.fluance.com/wiring.html